Dante: calm down we were just getting our affairs in order.

Taiyang: what do you mean by that?

Vergil: the qliphoth's roots need to be severed from the source. Hey Raven

Vergil turns to the black haired woman

Vergil: do you have your sword with you?

Raven: of course I came with my sword a bird Grimm told me to come here and bring my sword. Why do you ask?

Vergil: I need it.

Taiyang: why do you need Raven' s sword don't you have the Yamato?

Vergil: yes I do... But

Vergil sets the cane down and unsheathes the katana revealing it to be cracking down the middle.

Vergil:the Yamato had enough power left to get us to atlas, fortuna, then here. The more I use the Yamato the more it begins to crack and I believe we have only one last use before it snaps completely so we are using it to get us to the base of the qliphoth and severing the roots.

Qrow: wait a minute if you do that then the tree falls and you three will be trapped in the base.

Lucina: we know which is why we took so long we were saying our goodbyes.

Vergil: tai can you go get (y/n) for us

Taiyang: sure.

Outside In the backyard 3 kids were playing. One girl had blonde hair and was trying to hit a boy with white hair but he was dodging her punches and swung his wooden sword at her all while the audience was a little girl with red highlights in her hair was watching intently.

Taiyang opens the backdoor and all's for the white haired boy's name. He then ran to the door with his wooden sword in hand and went to the living room and saw his parents and ran to hug them. Lucina got on both her knees and hugged the boy tightly

Lucina: oh (y/n) my boy sweet sweet boy I will miss you so much.

Lucina was beginning to cry as she hugged her son not wanting to let go but Vergil walked up and put a hand on her shoulder. She then let go and wiped her tears away Vergil then got on one knee and talked to his son

Vergil: (y/n) mommy, daddy, and uncle Dante will be gone for a while and we wanted to tell you how much we love you. Now you're going to be staying with uncle tai for now on okay.

(Y/n): okay dad. When I get older can I become a huntsman?

A small smile begins to form on Vergil's face

Vergil: of course you can why do you need to ask that would make me and mommy really happy if you became a huntsman.

(y/n): yay I get to be a huntsman like uncle Dante!

The smile on Vergil's face turned to one of disappointed

Vergil's thoughts: I'm going to kill Dante for corrupting my son.

Vergil then takes a breath and fakes the same smile he had earlier.

He gives (y/n) a hug and (y/ n) looks at the two boxes stacked on top of each other.

(Y/N): what's in those boxes?

Dante: when you become a huntsman you'll find out.

(Y/n) went and hugged Dante's leg and asked.

(Y/n): do you have to leave too uncle Dante?

Dante: someone gotta make sure your old man doesn't get himself killed.

The boy lets go and Dante pats the boy on his head and heads for the door  

Dante: love you kid. Adios.

Raven tells the boy to go back and play with the girls and he does so reluctantly. The adults all go outside and Vergil begins to unsheathe the Yamato. He then cuts a cross shape into the air then a portal opens up.

 He then cuts a cross shape into the air then a portal opens up

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( Ignore the fact he walks through the portal at the end)

Then the Yamato after all the stress it endured finally snaps. Vergil then puts the broken part of the sword first, then slides the handle in making it look the sword never broke at all. Raven upon realizing what Vergil meant she gives him her sword which he takes. The three begin to walk to the portal with Dante and Lucina going in without hesitation but Vergil stops just before entering.

Vergil: Tai here. Take the Yamato. I know it can be reforged but the process is long and dangerous but I know it's possible which is why I'm asking you to do one last thing for me.

Taiyang: Sure what is it?

Vergil: keep the Yamato safe. Hide anywhere, somewhere only you can know and make sure nobody gets close to the sword.

Taiyang: I got it, I know a good place to hide it don't worry.

Vergil then smiles and walks through the portal and it closes behind them. A few hours later a loud rumbling sound is heard and felt all through the land. Qrow goes outside and sees the qliphoth crumbling and falling down.

Qrow: I can't believe it.

Soon Raven and Taiyang both head outside and see the crumbling tree.

Raven: oh my

Taiyang: they actual pulled it off.

The kids also saw the falling tree and the boy knew what it meant but staying stoic. The boy knew his parents and uncle were gone for good.

Shall Never Surrender (Nero male reader X Pyrrha)Where stories live. Discover now