Don't Leave Me...

Start from the beginning

Before Sylas could get a word out my phone rang, suddenly annoyed I took a breath before answering.

Me:"Renard?...Yes I didn't forget...Leaving now."

I hung up looking towards Sy who seemed upset,

Me:"I'll come back, I have to meet with a good friend of mine."
Sylas:"Okay, I'll be here."

I leaned forward to kiss her cheek then stood up walking towards the door. I looked back seeing Sylas was already standing up watching me, I gave her a smile then opened the door turning around to see a guy standing in Nick's walkway pointing a gun at me, before I could react he shot me twice in the chest then once in my stomach causing me to fall to the floor.

Sylas's P.O.V

Sean stood up heading for the door as I watched him another memory came to me very clearly, it was the dinner Nick asked me about at the hospital, Sean was there and he did propose to me...FUCK I remember!!

After Sean opened the door he stood there not moving, I went to go see what he was staring at but stopped when I heard close gunshots. I gasped as Sean fell to the floor,


With shaky hands I rushed over checking on him but noticed something out the corner of my eye, I reached down yanking Sean's gun from his holster then turned towards the door shooting the guy before he could fire a shot at me first. I dropped the gun to check Sean's neck for a pulse, I found it but it was really weak. I pulled out my phone calling 911,

Me:"This is detective Burkhardt's sister I need an ambulance at his house right away captain Renard has been shot and he needs help right now!"
911 Dispatch:"Officers and emt's are in route!"

I hung up the phone placing my shaky hands on Sean's face as tears fell,

Me:"Sean don't die on me! I remember, do you hear me I remember you!!"

I rested my forehead against his while holding his hand, multiple sirens grew closer to the house. Squeezing Sean's hand I heard Wu's voice,

Wu:"Captain! Oh god Sylas are you okay?"

Wu dropped next to me to move me away from Sean,

Me:"No! I'm not letting Sean go!"
Wu:"Sylas we need to get him out of here."
Me:"Okay, right um your right."

I stood up wiping my eyes not caring that I have Sean's blood on my hands and now more likely my face. The emt's rushed in but they were waiting on the others to get here,

Me:"We don't have time to wait, Wu we need to help them move Sean."
Wu:"Will you be able to?"
Me:"Yes now help me!"

Wu moved rather quickly as him and I helped the emt's carry Sean out of the house and lift him up to lay him on the gurney.

Wu:"What the hell happened?"
Me:"I don't know it all happened so fast, who the fuck is that guy?!"
Wu:"I'll get on it, you ride with the captain. Want me to call Nick?"
Me:"N-no, I'll call him myself."
Wu:"Update me when you can."

I nodded and went to step inside the ambulance only to be stopped,

Emt:"Sorry ma'am you can't ride in the ambulance."

I growled and glared at the man,

Me:"Captain Renard is my fiance so back off."

He held up his hands as Wu laughed,

Wu:"Don't let the captain hear about this he wouldn't be happy about it."


I walked fast as the emt's rushed Sean inside the hospital,

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