"Yes, a loser. But I guess it's no use. If you don't have a type, that's that,"

"A loser? What are you talking about?"

"Like I said. I'm a loser. And I'll stop bothering you now,"

"What? No. Komaeda, you're not a loser. Don't talk about yourself like that,"

Komaeda sighed. "I know you're trying to be nice and all, but there's no need for that. I know my worth,"

"Ugh, whatever. Anyway, when are we gonna go eat ice cream?"

Komaeda tilted his head. "Ice cream? Oh, right. We were gonna do that,"

"How about after school today?"

"Sure!" Komaeda smiled.

He eventually went back and told Maizono what Hinata told him. She sighed.

"You're right, that isn't very specific. But hey, if he doesn't have a type, that means I'm definitely not not his type!"

"I suppose that's true,"

"And? Do you have a crush on someone?"

Komaeda's cheeks heated up a bit. "No!"

Kuwata placed a hand on his shoulder. "Of course he does!" He held up his phone with the picture of him and Hinata again.

"Ha ha ha." Maizono glared at him.

"What? He's gay, right?"

Komaeda crossed his arms.

"I mean, we all know it. It's not like I think it's bad. But he is gay, obviously. Would you go out with me?" Kuwata asked.

Komaeda shook his head. "I'm into masculine men,"

"Hahahaha!" Oowada laughed. "That's what ya get for being a fuckin' asshole, bro!"

"Tch, whatever..." Kuwata muttered and went back to his seat.

"You are so right, bro!" Ishimaru told Oowada. "Teasing your classmates is not okay!"

After school, Hinata and Komaeda went to an ice cream Café.

"So, uh, let's get to know each other," Hinata said.

Komaeda nodded. "Yes, of course. Uhm... do you have pets?"

"I've got a parrot,"

"What?? That's so cool!" Komaeda grinned. "What's it called? Can it talk?"

"He's called Katoro. And yeah, he can talk a bit. He knows my name, he can say hello and sometimes imitates things I say,"

"That's such a cool pet to have! Oh, I love animals!"

"So you have pets too?"

"Mhm! I've got several. A dog named Yumi, two bunnies called Kyouka and Kiki a baby cat named Yaku. But that name is pretty mean... I didn't choose it,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's a black cat and Yaku means misfortune. He was called that when we got him. He's from kind of a bad place so I didn't change his name because I didn't want to confuse him any more than he already is. But he's the absolute cutest! He's so tiny and fluffy!"

"You really have a lot of pets,"

"Yes, I do! And I love all of then. But a bird... ah, that's so amazing! Can I please meet him sometime?"

"Yeah, for sure." Hinata smiled.

"Oh, great! Anyway, do you have any hobbies or something?"

"Yeah, I play basketball and I like running,"

"So you enjoy sports?"

"Yeah. What about you?"

"I like reading and writing and cooking and cleaning and... that's it, I think,"

"Cleaning? I didn't know people actually enjoyed doing that." He chuckled.

"I only like it because I'm good at it. Ah, not to sound arrogant, of course. It's pretty much the only thing I'm good at,"

"I'm sure that's not true,"

"It is, I promise. I really am... trash... Anyways, do you know Maizono-san?"

"Yeah, I do. She's a friend of mine,"

"You should really spend some time with her. She, uhm, missed you,"

"She does? Now that I think about it, it's true that we haven't hung out in a while,"

"Exactly! You truly should-"

"Did she ask you to say that?" Hinata asked.

"Not exaclty. She just... well, it just seems like it to me,"

"I do like her. She's a great friend, but she's busy a lot of the time. We kept planning to hang out, but it never worked out well, so we gave up,"

Komaeda nodded. "I see. That's kind of sad. Well, whatever. I'm sure it'll turn out fine." He smiled. "Haha... I'm a bit nervous,"

"Why is that?"

"I've always thought you were, ah, pretty cool, but I never talked to you because... it would have been kind of weird since we aren't in the same grade. And I was just worried you'd be disgusted by me, haha!"

"Well, uh, I'm not. Obviously,"

"It's not as obvious as you may think! In fact, plenty of people hate me," Komaeda told him.

"You shouldn't worry about that though. It doesn't matter what other people think of you,"

"Oh, I know that! I would just hate to bother people with my horrible presence, so- I should stop. I keep talking negatively and I think it's starting to annoy people... So anyways, what's your favorite food?"

Hinata thought for a moment. "I don't really have one in specific, but if I had to choose, I guess I'd say curry,"

"Oh, my mom makes the best curry! She taught me how to make it too. I should make it for you sometime!" Komaeda exclaimed, smiling.


♡ Eraser | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें