Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

    "Mr. Gu, I have a question. I don't know whether to ask it or not."

    "Ask." "

    Do you usually have nothing to do? You don't have to go to work every day, don't have to deal with official duties, don't you have to find a girlfriend? Don't you have any free time of your own?" Time and private space?"

    "Well... this question is a good question. But I don't want to answer you."

    Looking at Gu Moyan in front of him, Qiao Yiyue didn't know how to complain anymore. That's right, the idler Gu Moyan abandoned his company again and again, and flew from city B to city D to find them.

    Gu Moyan raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter? What's your expression? Don't you want to see me?" "I think, why wouldn't

    I want to." Qiao Yiyue immediately said doglegly, "You are my golden Father Lord, I wish I could see you every day."

    "Then you can see me every day or Xixi every day, which one do you choose?" Gu Moyan deliberately teased Qiao Yiyue.

    Qiao Yiyue said without hesitation: "I choose Xixi."

    Knowing that it would be such an answer, but still asking such a question, isn't it a shame, he is really making himself suffer too much. Gu Moyan complained about himself in his heart, and then he still had a smile on his face: "If you choose Xixi, you should choose Xixi." "

    So, what are you thinking about this time?" Looking at herself The cousin and his daughter-in-law had a good chat, but Gu Xiwen interrupted their conversation.

    Gu Moyan said, "It's nothing. I just missed you and Xiao Qiao, so I came to see you." "

    Tell the truth."

    "If you tell the truth, it's the truth." With that skeptical expression on his face, he had to confess his thoughts, "Okay, okay, don't look at me like that. I just want to come to eat the food you cooked. Is this answer okay? Are you two satisfied? ?"

    Someone recognized her cooking skills, which made Qiao Yiyue very happy, and she nodded quickly, "Satisfied." She is still waiting for the notification from "Twin Flowers" these days, so there is nothing wrong.

    Qiao Yiyue asked Gu Moyan, "Then Mr. Gu, is there anything you particularly want to eat?

    " Handed a note to Qiao Yiyue, "These are some of the dishes I want to eat, take a look. I will buy vegetables, meat and seafood myself, and you don't need to pay for it." After taking the note, Qiao

    Yiyue Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he teased Gu     Moyan , "It seems that Gu always came prepared


It's hard to make, and doesn't require any special ingredients. "Would you like to eat it for lunch or at night?

    " Itchy hands. Let’s play billiards in a while! I’ll treat you to dinner at noon, and we’ll go shopping for ingredients in the afternoon.”     “Playing billiards.” Qiao Yiyue remembered that billiards was very popular when he was in junior high school. Some boys are so obsessed with this, and sometimes they even skip class to play basketball.     During the holidays, some girls also invited Qiao Yiyue to go to the billiard hall together. Qiao Yiyue has been there a few times, but she can't say how good she is at the game, only that she knows how to play. It's just that when she went to high school and was busy with her studies, she never played billiards again.     Qiao Yiyue looked at Gu Xiwen, "Xixi, can you play billiards?"     Before Gu Xiwen could speak, Gu Moyan stepped forward and said, "She can. We used to play billiards at home. I remember she played billiards at that time. There is another nicknamed Princess Snooker."     Qiao Yiyue asked curiously, "Is there a second princess?"     "Yes, Gu Wantang." Gu Moyan said, "As for me, I am Prince Snooker. "     Hearing the name seems to be very powerful, it seems that Gu Xiwen and Gu Moyan are both good at technology. Qiao Yiyue subconsciously asked again: "Then how many people fought before you?"     Gu Moyan said: "It's just the three of us."     "Uh, what's the title?"

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