Chapter Nineteen

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Finding him had always been easy ever since I got to know him better, this time was no different but it should have been which would have given him more time to compose himself but things tended to always go wrong in our lives so I found him pretty quickly sitting on the branch of a Juniper tree, ferociously tearing a leaf into pieces. I greeted him, "Hello Tristan." He stopped the destruction of the poor leaf and looked down at me. I had the sense to not directly join him on the tree and had landed under the tree. He saw me and put on his infuriating fake smile and said, "Hi Lily, what happened?" I just stared back at him and said with my eyes, "You know what happened." Causing him to look away. Well at least he was not yelling at me so I asked, "Can I join you on that branch?" he kept quiet and I took that as a yes and joined him on the branch. When he saw that he said, "I didn't say you could join me." I shrugged and said, "But you didn't say no either." In reply he said, "Fair enough, now please could you leave?" instead of obeying I asked, "Why?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, I will leave then." And that is what he tried to do but I didn't let him and demanded, "Tell me what happened Tristan." He said sullenly, "Nothing did, I just think you don't need these lessons anymore." I just kept staring at him and kept holding his arm. He asked, "I told you why so let me go." Instead of letting him go I held on tighter. I said, "I won't let you go until you tell me what happened, what REALLY happened." he insisted, "I already told you." After he said that he tried to pull his arm out. I gripped it even tighter leaving marks on his arm. That was when he had enough and pushed me off and I toppled over backwards leaving him looking terrified at what he had done but not willing to run because he wanted to help me if I needed it. I was in shock so I forgot that I could fly but when I recalled that I could, I immediately righted myself and gave myself time to gather my bearings.

He was relieved and smiled in relief. I stupidly took that as a sign to keep going and pressed him again, "I'm fine Tristan so please tell me what happened." The smile of relief immediately vanished and was replaced by a furious expression. He said trying his level best to keep his voice even, "You don't want to hear it." I retorted, "I do so tell me." "ALRIGHT I WILL SINCE YOU WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY." He was yelling but I was relieved he was at least speaking so I kept quiet but then I remembered where we were and suggested, "Let us go to the tree house."

He looked at me incredulously and chuckled like a crazy person. I whispered, "Tristan, I might die at this rate." And he said to my complete shock, "So be it, I don't give a damn about you or care if you die." I asked desperately, "you don't really mean that, right?" "Oh, I do, ever since you entered this forest my life has only been hell." Now I was mad and yelled, "Oh really?! that is not what you wrote in your diary." He was left dumbstruck but I did not care and continued but before I could he spoke, "You read my diary?! How could you do that to me?! Don't you know that diaries are private." And I yelled back, "I know but you never tell me anything. Do you know how worried I was?!" "I don't care, you betrayed my trust?! You had no right to read my diary." "Why would you feel betrayed if you didn't care about me?!" "Alright, so I care but why does that matter?!"

I yelled with tears in my eyes, "It matters because I just don't understand why you insist on helping your clearly abusive mother who hurts you just as much as any of her victims! I hate seeing you torment yourself over a person who clearly does not care! I'm frustrated at how you just keep taking the unfair treatment she dishes out! I just don't understand how you stand by her after all that she put you through. I am worried and tired and I don't want to stay here but I have to because you just won't leave your terrible parent and I just cannot leave you to struggle here. To make matters worse you don't even let me in which makes my decision pointless, moot and pretty much a waste but despite this I still can't leave you alone. I want you to run away with me from this hell hole!"

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