Chapter Eight

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The time it took for me to wake up was not as surprising as earlier. My position had not changed at all and I had ended up falling asleep or fainting in the bean bag, the only difference was that he was at the desk using the mortar and pestle on something.

  I waited for him to finish whatever he was doing and come up with his next command. There was no way that whatever he had given me had helped. He was her son and like people had said before the apple does not fall far from the tree. So I waited for a very long time until I got tired of waiting and called out to him.

I called out to him but I did not expect any sound to come out so when it did I was shocked. Did I actually just control my actions?! Was I finally in control again?! Could I finally escape?! To test out my theory I tried moving different parts of my body and when they did my joy knew no bonds. I was so happy that I completely forgot about his presence and danced until he coughed to get my attention.

As soon as I heard the cough I stopped and flushed in embarrassment which amused him because he laughed, any normal person would have just ignored this because they would have remembered their place but I was not normal and rather reckless so I yelled at him, "STOP LAUGHING REPTILE!" that stopped the laughing and he glared at me.

The glare finally brought me to my senses and I gulped nervously, readying myself for punishment, I looked at the floor. At this point of time I actually missed not being able to speak. No, who was I kidding. I liked being in control because even if I died, I got to die on my terms this calmed me somewhat and I looked up at him again only to see him holding a mirror with the girl in his pictures as the reflection. It took me a few minutes to register but when I did I screamed and he rushed to cover my mouth. 

I was sorely tempted to do what I had with Doctor Francis but controlled myself. I was a prisoner and had to act like one if I wanted to survive. So, I took a deep breath and told him, "You can let go now. I won't scream." And thankfully he did. "I'm really sorry for being so rough with you but even though I fed my mom a sleeping potion, too much noise might wake her."

I was confused but decided to wait for him to explain and instead enquired, "Where is she?" he shrugged, "I don't know which is exactly why I don't want to risk it." I nodded and he smiled gratefully. "Now care to explain what all this is about?" "One second, let me gather my thoughts." I let him and he started, "So the reason my mother brought you here and you look like that is because she lost my sister and has not gotten over her death yet." "I figured, her name was Trista right?" he nodded with a sad smile on his face but I didn't let him reminisce for long,

"Now that all that is clear what is your role here?" "I just go along with my mother's story; I promise I have no control over your actions. I can't control you." I did not believe him and asked, "Why did I have to listen to you then if you can't control me?"

He explained, "The cake my mother gave you which you really should not have eaten." I rolled my eyes at his jab but otherwise kept quiet and he continued, "was infused with a mixture of potions and curses. It contained the curse: puppeteer's string, a memory potion, a personality potion and a trance spell."

"What did they do?" "The curse puppeteer's string is a curse that allows it's caster to control their target. Usually the caster has to actively give commands much like how puppets are controlled but since my mother could not afford to control you every minute of the day and still allow proper immersion, the memory and personality potions were added."

He paused and continued, "With the memory potion infused with something of my sister's things she made sure that my sister's memories suppressed your memories. A similar thing happened with the personality potion. It was these memories and her personality that was made the puppeteer in your case so when you listened to me you were actually doing what my sister would have done." "That makes a lot of sense but what about the trance spell."

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