Chapter Eighteen

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It was a sunny morning and today breakfast was my favourite dish which was fruit salad with fruits washed in Volley creek giving the fruits an extra sweetness. Mother was also extra sweet today and seemed to have forgotten what had transpired yesterday. She was actually in a much better mood and had proposed a trip in Reelton which I had refused and she had accepted. Today was actually perfect and should have been happy but the fact remained neither me nor Lily were happy and matched the vibe. It was a miracle mom hadn't found out with the way we were. The reason for this atmosphere was that I had seen her crying yesterday night.

Of course, she was lying. Why would anyone want to stay in such a situation, away from their family and being forced to act like someone else. I wouldn't even be here if she wasn't my mother. Literally the only reason I still stayed on was because she was my mother. I had to be here because she was my family, my only family. If things were different, I wouldn't be here because I had no reason to. Just why did I have to be stuck in this situation?! Why couldn't things go well this once?! Why was my life such a dumpster fire?! Why did the light in my life have to end up causing a dumpster fire?! I wish I could just end it all. I wish I could stop caring for Lily and worrying about her happiness. If that happened all my problems would be solved because the only choice I had was staying here and keeping my head down. It was all I could do.

Soon enough it was training time and even though I had slipped my mom the potion but once we got to the tree house, I could hardly focus on the lessons and neither could Lily which could account for her not noticing how distracted I was. This was hopeless and a waste of time and would be for the rest of the days because even if she picked herself up, I didn't think I could.

The bond that had been forged between us and that had been my light until the cave visit was all of a sudden, a burden. What had been my thread to freedom was now just another chain.

While, being with her earlier had made me feel as light as a feather; now being with her weighed me down and made me feel like I was being crushed by boulders. Just why did what we have earlier devolve into this. Why did everything good in my life have to turn into a burden. When could I be free?! When could I finally be happy?! Fate had been cruel to us both.

That however could have been different for Lily, if only she hadn't wandered into this forest. If she had left the moment, she felt the dread in the air. If she hadn't been so blind! If she had realised that she wasn't actually alone. If she had not taken everyone at her home for granted. She actually had people who cared and would go to extremes to help her. If she had only realised that she was not alone. Life would have been much simpler if she hadn't been so damn ungrateful! I had none of that but I still stayed so how the hell could she just leave that life behind so easily! Just how could anyone be so blind?! Just why did I have to start caring for someone so damn ungrateful and oblivious?! Suddenly I heard Lily yelp and came to my senses.

In fury, I had banged on the table causing the ink bottle Lily was using to fall onto the page she was writing on which had caused her to yelp. She immediately started cleaning up the mess while I was left shocked at my aggression. I had never ever done something like this and was frightened. I needed to get away or I would hurt her as well but just as I was about to leave, Lily stopped me by clutching my wrist, looking at me with a very worried expression. That only furthered my rage and I pulled my wrist out of hers but she held on tighter. In a cold voice I requested, "Please let go of me Lily." She shook her head vigorously and I finally lost it. I yelled, "LET GO OF ME THIS INSTANT LILY!" that did the trick and frightened she let go. I immediately took advantage and flew out, not bothering to look back at her.


Ever since yesterday night, I had not been ok. I did not like this life and nothing would change that absolutely nothing. I did not have to do this either, I could just make a run for it after Tristan slipped his mother a sleeping potion. He promised to not stop me and I knew that he was a man of his word. Escaping was not an issue anymore, my time in the forest had made me familiar with the way out. We both had been allowed to move wherever we wanted so I was able to figure out the general direction towards Yale but what helped the most was yesterday's hunting lesson. The animals we had to hunt seemed to always be near the border. They seemed to be instinctively moving towards their homes even as animals. I could leave if I wanted to and I did but the thought of leaving him behind was something I could not do and extinguished all ideas of escape.

I had imagined kidnapping him and taking him back with me but that would be depriving him of a life changing decision, I would be as bad as Ophelia with her hobby of kidnapping girls and forcefully making them Trista. I was not going to become like her at any cost so I was forced to stay here. I hated that I had started caring for Tristan so much and despite hating the feeling felt slightly resentful towards him. Well slight was an understatement, I could hardly look him in the eyes without getting mad. The bond that had been forged between us and that had made this situation more bearable before I read his diary was all of a sudden something that made this whole situation unbearable. While earlier seeing him left me with this warm feeling, now all seeing him did was leave a cold feeling. I missed the easy friendship we had before but I could no longer do anything about it. I felt like this and this feeling could not be changed easily.

Resigned to my fate, I resumed writing the next entry from her diary. I was stuck here so I should probably try my level best to survive. I had already wasted too much time in my thoughts, I was stuck here for the foreseeable future so I had to try my level best to survive and this was the only way. Just as I had started to write the first word, Tristan banged on the table causing my ink bottle to spill and shocking me. That was when I realised that he had been silent the whole day which was unusual. He was clearly not okay and this was proven by the way he was going to leave and yelled at me when I kept him from going. I was staying here to be there for him and I would be so I took off immediately afterwards to find him. Deciding to stay behind was me promising to be there for him and I would fulfil that promise at all costs. He did not deserve any of this but was clearly unaware of this fact so the least I could do was reduce the amount of pain he had to endure. All children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children. 

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