Elias' eyes followed him out of the room before their icy blue gaze settled on her. They trailed past her heaving breasts, the curve of her hips and belly to her legs carefully crossed to hide her pussy.

"We're not staying here," he said finally.

"What-" Before her brain could process what he was saying or what was happening, she was wrapped up in his steel embrace as he shot from the house along the grass to the back of the property where a shed sat. 

She stifled a laugh. 

When did that get there? 

She could have sworn only Kerensa's small unit was the only structure at the back of the house, but the imposing shed now sat down a dip to its right. It was larger than the unit too. Kerensa would probably hate that.

As he unlocked the door and brought her inside, her thoughts stopped working beside one ridiculous sentence. It wasn't a shed at all. It was closer to a sex dungeon. "Holy shit."

"This room is entirely soundproofed," he said, placing her beside the door as he turned and locked it behind him. When he was done, he turned, hooked his finger under her chin, and tilted her head back, making sure her eyes met his. "Don't hold back."

Swallowing, she froze until his eyes narrowed, and she cleared her throat. "Yes, sir."

His blue iris faded into a deep red as he touched her lower back and guided her further into the room. In the dim, red lighting, she spied a wall of whips, paddles and belts along one wall; beneath them, drawers filled with gods knew what. She bit her lip when the apparatus in the room materialised.

The giant wooden structure against one wall drew her eye immediately, its shape a lot like an hourglass with cuffs at the end of the X. Another corner held a swing of some sort, littered with a variety of restraints and dangling bits that made her breathing quicken and the final piece of furniture looked far tamer, a simple bench with soft looking upholstery and a few small hooks along the side and end of them.

"Elias-" she blinked, walking up to the swing and touching the leathery straps. "You're scary when you want to be." She said it with a slight laugh, but his bright red eyes made her swallow when she turned to him.

"You never need to be afraid of me, Kitten. All you need to do is say the word."


"Strawberries." With that confirmation, he pulled his belt off in one quick snap and gestured his head for the bench. "Get on."

For a split second, she contemplated being bratty, but before she could even decide, his belt flew from his hand and snapped across her left ass cheek.

She yelped from the sudden shock when another snap hit her right cheek.

"If you even think about disobeying me tonight, you will get punished. Get on the bench."

She frowned but climbed on, lifting her head for more explicit instructions. "Where do I put my... well, everything?"

"However is comfortable, Kitten. I'll move you if need be."

His back was turned to her as he rummaged through the drawers beneath a particularly nasty-looking whip, and she adjusted herself on the bench. Her legs straddled it, the shape like a triangle with a flat top, and her clit pushed pleasurably into the plush fabric. Then, with a sigh, she lay her stomach and chest down and felt for a place to hold, pleasantly surprised to find two thick handles at the base of the bench.

"Good girl." His voice made her jump, his sudden presence behind her forcing goosebumps along her bare skin.

A tickling sensation trailed the back of her thigh, followed by a dispersed sting on her ass. Again. She hadn't even done anything. She growled and turned to Elias. "I just got back; why are you being so harsh?"

He whipped her again before hissing, "Because I thought I lost you." Smack. His hand replaced the whip, and the sting brought a moan from her lips. "Because if I have control here." He trailed the whip along her spine. "Right now." And down again until the small strips of fabric brushed her dripping entrance. "You won't see how lost you made me."

She sat and grabbed his wrist before he could spank her again, but his other hand was enclosed around her throat, squeezing the perfect amount to make her pussy throb. "I could have killed everyone."

He lifted her off the bench and carried her to the wooden hourglass structure, binding her wrists above her head first and then cuffing her feet wide apart. "I would have killed everyone to get you back."

She should have stopped him right then. The crazed fury in his eye should have warned her he might lose control. But there was something about it, about him, that only fueled her desire until she felt her wetness dripping down her inner thigh. He noticed, too, his eyes flicking down to her exposed cunt. She tried to clench her knees shut, but the binding he placed trailed up her calf to her knee and effectively paralysed her lower half.

"So." He said with a thick rasp. "Are you ready for me to do everything I want to you?"

A slow smile crept up her lips and bit down on them, letting her eyes fall to his perfect, hard chest stretching the seams of his shirt. The perfectly tailored shirts didn't fit anymore? He must have gained weight, but she couldn't find a spot where it might've happened. Could it be muscle?

"I don't know," she purred, licking her lower lip. "Am I?"

She wished she could touch him, rip off his too-tight shirt and unbutton his pants, but the ball was in his court. He had all the power, and she could only watch as he fingered the buttons down his shirt painfully slowly. Revealing his vast, muscled chest, his pecks flexed and mesmerised her as he pulled the shirt over his vascular biceps. 

Holy fuck, he was huge. Bigger than she remembered. "What happened to you?" she asked, her thoughts disappearing as he dropped his pants and briefs, freeing his cock. Oh fuck.

"The changes after the completed bonding seemed to have gotten more intense when you were gone."


"Do you feel different?" he asked, stroking his length to the root. It seemed his hand had further to travel.

"I don't know-" her mouth formed the words, but her brain had left the building; all she could do was swallowed the extra saliva her body was producing.

He shook his head and grasped her chin, tilting her neck back until she whimpered. "That's it," he said, low against the shell of her ear, grazing her neck with his teeth. "I want to hear you scream."

When his thumb brushed her clit she gasped, the breath unable to return to her lungs because Elias' mouth suddenly latched onto hers, kissing with such passion her very existence turned to mush.

She moaned into his mouth as the pressure on her clit increased, and a slick hardness split her in half, right between her swollen lips. And not the ones currently pressed against Elias'.

Stretching to fit him, she whined, her head falling back against her bicep. "Look at me, Kitten."

"It's so big."

"You can take it."

Her gaze snapped to his as he thrust inside her. He was right. She could take it. But not silently. She gave him exactly what he wanted, and despite how desperately she wanted to defy him, she screamed.

Undying Hate | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now