'So many things wrong with that statement.' Everyone thought this as the group tried to return to what they were doing. Kuroka went charging for Shouto and Inasa to try and take down the immediate issue with Izuku going in front and giving a punch for the cat woman yo catch.

"Don't get confused now, sis. I'm your target, not them."

"You really are a stubborn one Izuku. Maybe I should show you what I've been holding back." Kuroka's body began releasing a menacing amount of Ki for her to be able to overpower Izuku and throw him into the air. He quickly tried to recover by using a magic circle as a step board, but was then met by Kuroka coming at him to give a punch to his face. The force was able to send Izuku into the circle and shatter it before giving even more blows to him. At this point, he was unable to defend himself with it looking as if z Kuroka might end up killing him.

"Izuku!" Shouto sent a blast of fire at Kuroka for her to slash it with one hand, dissipating it before sending a blast of Ki at her and Inasa. The half and half quirk user was able to make a pillar of ice to protect them, but it shattered immediately after with the force sending both heroes in training flying the other way.

'Dammit. I'm stuck with only one option right now.' Izuku calmed himself and began absorbing as much Ki as he could to produce his transformation.

"You think I'm going to be stupid enough to let you do that?" Kuroka came charging at Izuku with Shouto struggling to get up. However, she wasn't fast enough for an attack to go right through Izuku's chest. The image of the USJ came back to Shouto, Katsumi and Ochako watching in horror.

"IZUKU!" As they shrieked, the image of Izuku was shown to be that from a female romcom manga to confuse everyone.

"That was like, uber close there. You good babe?" Izuku stood a distance away with Nejire and Camie next to him.

"What about the rescue and evacuation?"

"Taken care of. The medic area is moved safely to another place with the area we were in having no other civilians." Nejire smiled while explaining to Izuku their situation. "Since we were free, we were able to come here and see what we could do."

"Isn't that adorable. Izuku's Rook and a Pawn helping him. Such good ideals for a house." Kuroka began activating Senjutsu to attack both with Nejire using her quirk to try and counter. However, this wasn't enough until both her and Camie used their own form of Ki manipulation they've learned to add more force to the blast and dissipate both.

"That was awesome!" Camie was so excited for this that she didn't notice Kuroka come in and kick her into Nejire and send them to the ground.

"I'll admit, you both were impressive, but not enough to beat me."

"Who said we were trying? We were just giving Izuku time." Nejire smirked as Izuku came behind his sister in his Nekomata Level 3 form, giving a solid blow to Kuroka and sending her flying.

"Now it's time to get serious." Izuku stormed back towards his sister for her to recover and begin fighting back. Blow for blow, both handled the other while trying to gain the upper hand in their own way. 

"All or nothing. I love your ideals. But what happens if you can't beat me or everyone else can't rescue everyone in time? How are you going to handle yourself then? Your form is powerful, but it does have limits." Kuroka was able to get a clear shot to send a blast of Ki at Izuku's face and smirk. "Even now, you're no match for your big sister-"

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