6| Knights Fall

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"Ben!" Mal called out as Dude led the group through the castle.

"Aha! This way," Dude exclaimed as he followed Ben's scent.

"Ben could be asleep anywhere," Mal sighed.

"Or turned to stone," Celia added.

"Ok," Evie whispered as she covered Celia's mouth with her hand.

"Or Audrey could have him with her, you know, since she's obsessed with him," Aaron thought out loud.

"Aaron," y/n groaned as she whacked him on the arm.

"Not cool, dude," Carlos whispered to him.

"Ben!" Mal then called out, panicked.

"I've got a scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people," Dude said as he sat at the end of the hallway.

"That's great, Dude," Jay then said before Dude spoke again.

"FYI, I give great cuddles, too," he stated before he continued to follow the scent.

"Really? I never had a pet growing up. Well, except for the elk head in dad's man cave but that wasn't really-" Gil started as the group began to follow Dude.

"Hold up," Uma interrupted as she started at the wall next to her.

"What's this?" she then asked as she ran her hand along the claw marks on the wall that lead to a ripped up map.

"Uhh... any chance this was already here?" Carlos then asked Mal as he looked at the claw marks.

"And follow me," Dude said before he continued to lead the group into another hallway.

Y/n grabbed Carlos's hand before pulling him along after the the others.

"Ben! Ben! Ben!" Mal called as they made their way into room filled with suits of armor and weapons that we're hung up along the walls.

"Stay here, ok?" Evie said to Celia as they stood in the entrance of the door.

"You too," y/n said to Aaron.

"But-" he started to argue.

"Just listen to her, please," Carlos then sighed as he pointed towards his spot next to Celia.

"Just stick together, alright?" y/n said to the two of them before she made her way further into the room.

"I can feel you lurking~" Harry then said in a sing-song voice as Jay watched him while he inspected the sword that one of the suits of armor held.

"Good," Jay then said to him before he walked off.

"So, you can track, cuddle and talk," Gil said as he scratched Dude behind his ears.

"Hey, do you think his puppies would be able to talk, too?" he then asked y/n.

She smiled down at him but before she could answer, Carlos stepped in.

"All right, man. He's taken. You want a dog, adopt a rescue," he said to Gil.

"I'm sure we can find you a puppy once this is all over," y/n smiled at him before Carlos lead her by her waist away from Gil.

"Talking puppies. That's crazy," Dude then laughed as Gil stood up and made his way towards the rest of the group.

"Come here," Celia then called him as Aaron patted his crossed legs for Dude.

"They seem nice," Dude said as he made his way towards them and into Aaron's lap.

"I bet you lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose? Huh?" Uma said to Mal.

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