7| Dog Chase And Teamwork

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Y/n sat on the bleechers doing her biology homework as Ben 'worked on Carlos'. Carlos had asked her to be there with him so she obviously couldn't say no.

"Ok. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints," Ben called out to Carlos who was on the other side of the field. "You ready?"

"Oh! No, wait! Stop!" Carlos screamed as he ran.

"Sweet!" Ben called out as he clicked the timer off not noticing that Carlos was still running.

Y/n noticed how Carlos was screaming and that he hadn't stopped running once he reached Ben. When she looked a bit closer she noticed that he was being chased by a small brown dog.

"Shit!" she exclaimed as she threw her books down and sprinted after Carlos and the dog. "Carlos!"

Ben only noticed how Carlos was still running when he watched y/n sprint past him.

"Y/n? Carlos!" Ben called before quickly following after the two of them into the forest.

Carlos, after being chased deep into the forest, climbed up a tree to try and escape the dog.

"No, stop!" Carlos yelled at the dog.

"Carlos!" y/n called as she followed him.

"Y/n? Y/n! Stay away, this thing is a killer! It's going to attack you!" Carlos panicked.

"Carlos it's - whoo, sorry, just let me catch my breath quickly," y/n panted as she put her hands on her knees.

"Get away from that thing, y/n! It's going to hurt you!" Carlos panicked.

Y/n then took a small step back, still breathing heavily.

"Carlos! Y/n!" the two heard Ben call.

"Ben? Ben!" Carlos screamed as Ben came into sight.

"Ben, help us!" Carlos panicked "This thing is a killer! It's going to chase us down and rip out our throats! This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!"

"Hey, who told you that?" Ben asked as he picked up the small dog.

"His mother," y/n rolled her eyes.

"Cruella?" Ben asked looking at y/n.

"She's a dog expert," Carlos added "A dog yellerer."

"Yellerer," y/n snorted.

"Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!" Carlos shrieked as he looked towards Ben and the dog.

"The two of you haven't actually met a dog, have you?" Ben asked.

"Of course not," Carlos said.

"Dude, meet Carlos and y/n," Ben then introduced with a slight smile "Y/n, Carlos, this is Dude. He's the campus mutt."

"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal," Carlos mumbled as he climbed down from the tree.

"Hey, Dude," y/n said as she scratched the dog behind the ears.

"You're a good boy, aren't you?" Carlos said as Ben passed the dog to him.

"You're a good boy," he laughed again.

"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the Island," Ben said to us.

"Yeah," y/n said as she and Carlos shared a look.

"Let's just say that we don't get a lot of belly rubs," Carlos joked.

"Good boy," Ben said as he put a hand on Carlos's arm. Carlos and y/n shared another look.

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