Chapter Eighteen: First

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The next morning, I wake up still smiling. I can't believe that Kenny McCormick was my boyfriend after all this time. It's about 10am now, and I was thinking about going to see Clyde later and try to fix things. 

As I was getting ready for the day, I heard a knock at the door. I lazily walk over and open it to see Kenny standing outside with flowers. 

"(Good morning girlfriend.)" He says, handing me the flowers. 

"Kenny what's this about?" I smile and take them from him. 

"(No reason.)" He says. "(Can I come in?)" 

Without hesitation I move away from the door to allow him to enter. 

He goes straight into the kitchen and rumages through the fridge, then he comes back with cereal. 

"(You know I was thinking I should go and see Clyde and try to apologize.)" He says. 

"I was thinking the same thing! I was gonna go see him later!" I reply. 

"(Then let's just go together, and we should tell him about our relationship too.)" 

I agree. 

"But not yet though okay? Can we just stay here for a while?" I ask. 

"Yeah sure." He replies. 

We sit down on the couch together and watch some TV. I sit next to him and fall asleep with my head on his shoulder 

After about an hour or so, I wake up with Kenny beside me. He's still sleeping. I watch him lovingly for a few seconds before I wake him up. 

"Kenny. Kenny wake up." I say. 

He slowly opens his eyes. "(What time is it?)" He asks. 

"It's like 11:30. Do you want to go now?" I ask 

He yawns, then nods. 

"(Yeah I think so.)" 

We arrive at Clyde's house and knock on the door. 

Clyde opens it and there's a huge bruise on his face by his eye, right where Kenny hit him. 

"What do you want?" He asks. 

"Can I just come in dude?" Kenny doesn't wait for a reply and we come in anyway.

Kenny starts his apology. "(I just came her to tell you that I'm sorry. Y/n is my girlfriend and that's why I was so upset.)" He says. 

"You could've just made that clear in the first place." Clyde responds. 

"(I couldn't say she was my girlfriend because she wasn't actually my girlfriend yet.)" 

"So you punched me for no reason."

"(No. I liked her and you were flirting. Guys get mad about that.)"

"But you weren't dating yet." 

"(No dude!)" 

"I'll only forgive you if you get out of my house." Clyde walks us back to the door. 

"(Okay...)" Kenny says as we exit. 

"I guess that means things are fine now." I say, although it sounded like more of a question. 

On the walk back to my house, Kenny stops in his tracks. 

Gone No More | Kenny McCormick X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz