Chapter Three: Reality

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"You guys want to see what Kenny's up to today?" 

As Kyle's words slip out of his mouth, the mere mention of Kenny's name leave goosebumps on my arms. I must have heard him wrong. He must of said a different name. 

"What?" I say, trying to remain calm. 

"Kenny... let's go see what he's doing." Kyle says. Because of his slow talking and confused face, I can tell that I was not hiding my panic as well as I had hoped. 

"Kenny.. Kenny McCormick?" I can hope that maybe there's a different Kenny in town and I'm not just losing my mind. 

"Yeah... of course Kenny McCormick." Kyle slowly turns away from me and simply does a quick nod to brush off my strange reaction. We begin to walk. 

As we walk towards Kenny's house, I am completely silent. My heart is pounding and my head is spinning. I believe I must be going crazy. I was sure Kenny died. I was sure of it. I could take them to his grave right now. But how could it be possible that his best friends, his brothers couldn't remember his death. 

I remembered the sorrow I had felt after it. He had died in such a gruesome way: impaled. The memory of the stick going through his head replayed over and over again in my mind for weeks. Then, I left South Park, and everything would become a distant memory to me. 

"You know, Kenny has no idea you're back y/n." Stan says. "He'll be so excited to see you." I smile a bit, still obviously dazed. "Yeah me too." I say. 

As we approach Kenny's house and then his door. My mind remembers everything that once happened here. Giving his parents my condolences, dressing up in all black, funeral preparations. It all comes back to me. 

I feel my heart sink into my chest and the knots in my stomach begin to tie as the three boys step ahead of me to approach and knock on the door. 

They whisper to me to get behind them and hide as much as I can, and it only takes a few seconds for the door to open. 

"Hey Kennnnnnyyyyyy." Cartman says. No reply. I wondered if the boys were pranking me as I couldn't see above or between them. They wanted this to be a surprise. 

"Kenny Kenny, we have something for you." exclaims Stan. Then, then the boys abruptly moved out of the way to reveal me. 

For a moment, just nothing. My eyes widened and I began to feel choked up. 

 We stood there, staring at each other. He is in the same clothes he was in the day I last saw him. His bright orange parka that covers his mouth, his blonde hair coming out in whisps around his hood. His eyes are focused on me. My mind is trying to comprehend his existence, his morality. He is here, standing in front of me. I remember what it felt like watching him be lowered into his grave. 

"Oh my God." I finally say, and we suddenly embrace each other. 

He hugs me as tight as he can, his voice is quiet and soft. "(Y/n.)" 

We stand there for sometime. He's really here. He's alive. How can this be possible. How is he here? 

"You're okay." I say, and suddenly, he pulls me back and looks me deep into my eyes. 

"(Yeah. Yeah y/n. I am. There's no reason I wouldn't be.)" He kisses me on the top of my head. 

Yeah. No reason. 

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