Chapter Six: Safe

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"(You remember.)" 

I stare at him, a whirlwind of emotions hitting me as I take in his words. 

"Remember what- Kenny I-" Before I can continue, his eyes change from desperation to joy. He begins to smile and he nearly leaps on me as he pulls me into his arms, hugging me. 

"(You remember! Woohoo!)" He says, and I can't help but laugh with him as I've never heard joy expressed in such a way. He is truly delighted. 

I laugh a bit, taking his arms and pulling him away from me. "Kenny, Kenny, slow down. You need to explain." 

His face changes once again, his eyes dancing, as if he is remembering. 

")Y/n, my whole life, I've always.. died.. and come back. Some months it's more often than others, and there are some months that I haven't died at all.)" He continues, the cold expression on his face growing. 

"(Every time I die in the most painful ways you can imagine. I've been shot, set on fire, mauled. Everything you can think of. Nobody ever remembers. Not Stan, not Kyle, not Cartman. Nobody.)" 

I watch as his voice grows deeper and his face becomes emotionless. "Kenny." I say, placing my hand over his. "I'm here now." 

He gives me a saddened smile. "(I just don't understand how you can remember only that one time. I've died right in front of you many times before.)" 

I feel my confusion throughout my body. My heart sinks as I think about what it must be like for him, to die and the people you love never remember. To be entirely alone. "Do you know how?" Is all I'm able to ask. 

"(No.)" He says. "(I don't know.)" 

I watch him. I notice he tries to quickly blink away the tears that have surfaced. My confusion shifts to pure sadness and I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I feel for him. He's been alone all these years, with no one to truly confide in. 

"I'm here now Kenny." I repeat. "It's okay." 

He pulls me into a hug again. "(Thank you.)" He whispers, holding me tight. 

Gone No More | Kenny McCormick X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now