Chapter Eleven: Start

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The next day I arrive at school, where everyone is holding invitations and talking about a party. I haven't seen the boys at all today. They weren't at the bus stop.  

As I walk down the hall and see everyone with their invitations, Tweek and Craig approach me. 

"Hey y/n." Says Craig.

"AGH! Are you going to Bebe's party?" Tweek asks. 

"I don't know, I just got here. I haven't even seen her yet." I shrug. 

"Oh okay." Craig says in his monotone voice. 

"Have you seen Kenny and the rest?" I ask. They both shake their heads. That's weird.  

As I stand outside my class, waiting for the teacher, Bebe comes to me. 

"Hey y/n! Want to come to my party?" She asks, and hands me an invitation. "Everyone will be there." 

I take the invitation and nod. "Yeah of course." I smile. "Thanks." I really liked Bebe. We weren't extremely close, but she was always kind to me and super pretty. She seemed like a good friend to have. I don't ask her if my boys will be coming. I believed her when she said "everyone." 

Class soon begins and after thirty minutes, Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny walk in. They get scolded by the teacher for being so late, and then I do the same. 

"Where the hell have you guys been?" I ask, crossing my arms. 

"We were talking. It's guy stuff." Says Stan. I look at him. "Wow. Okay." I say, half-joking. The bus was boring today without them. I wonder what they were talking about. Probably about Wendy I figure. 

After class, we go outside and sit on the school benches to chill before our next class. 

I feel Kenny's hand brush again mine as we walk. I look at him and he turns pink before trying to be discreet and move his hand away. 

I sit on the bench next to Kyle. "Anything happen with Wendy?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Stan is being too much of a pussy to even talk to her!" Kyle says. 

"Stan!" I exclaim. 

He throws his hands up in defense. "What? I will just give me time." He says. 

I roll my eyes at him. 

"Are you guys going to Bebe's party?" I ask. 

"Of course we're going y/n.. come on" Cartman says. I give him a glance. 

"Stan, this is your chance to talk to Wendy. The party will be a lot sooner than prom." I say. The others agree.

"Do you have any plans to go with someone?" Kyle asks. 

I turn red a little. "Kyle who would be going with?" 

He laughs a bit. "I don't know." He says and glances over at Kenny, whose eyes widen as he slightly shakes his head. Kyle simply looks away from him. 

"What about you Kyle?" I ask. He shrugs. "Maybe Bebe." He says. 

Later that night, I lie awake in my bed, thinking of Kenny. I remember the way he held me, and I smile, feeling warming inside. I would love for a moment like that again. 

Then a pang hits me in my heart. He's such a good person, but the biggest pervert I know. He's a playboy. There's no way that he would ever actually have feeling for someone. I couldn't even imagine that. 

But God, he was cute. 

I remembered the way he had glanced at Kyle and how the boys were so secretive about what was going on when they weren't at the bus stops. 

I wondered if I should tell someone. Maybe Heidi or Wendy. I could talk to them and they'd help me figure everything out. Wendy knew already that I thought Kenny was cute, but that was about it. 

Anyway, the party would be soon, and we should figure out what we would be wearing. Not to mention this whole situation with Stan and Wendy. 

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