Chapter Four: How

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My first moment back with Kenny admittedly made my heart skip a beat. He was dead the last time I saw him, and it was so adorable when he kissed my head yesterday. In my confusion I find myself smiling a bit. 

"Guys! Let's fucking go home." Cartman says. My smile fades.

"(Fuck you Cartman.)" Kenny says through his muffled voice. 

We ultimately decide to head over to Stan's house, the five of us. As we walk, I feel myself stare off into space, unaware of my surroundings. 

"(Y/n. Y/n!)" Kenny says, and I look up at him. 

"What?" I ask. I wonder how long he was calling my name. 

"(Everything okay?)" He asks. 

"Yes. It's fine." I say to him, trying not to show my thoughts on my face.  

He nods, but he still has a look of confusion on his face. As we continue on, I hear the common minor bickering between the boys. 

When we arrive, the boys decide to head in a play video games.

I decide that I want to start getting some answers. Maybe someone around here knows something about what's going on. I tell the boys that I'm going to find Heidi and Wendy, who will likely be at the park. 

"(You're already leaving?)" He asks, with a growing sadness in his eyes. "(But you just got here!)" 

I smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." 

I begin to step away and as I do I see him flinch towards me, as if to reach out to me, but stops himself before he can. He simply nods and tells me he'll see me later. 

When I arrive, I am pleased to discover that the girls are here. I walk over to them and they greet me. We talk as normal. Wendy complaining about something extremely minor that Stan did, and Heidi listens in, trying to reassure her without laughing. We always find it funny when Wendy gets upset about the smallest imaginable things. 

As the conversation goes on, I wonder how I could ask about Kenny without really asking about him. I decide this: "Do you guys think there's anything I should know about Kenny?" 

They stare at me for a few seconds. "Like what?" Heidi says.

"I don't know, like is he is alright?" 

Heidi blinks at me. "From what I know, yes. What's wrong?" 

I shrug. "I guess I'm just worried about him." I decide not to tell the full truth.

Now it's Wendy's turn to speak. "Look, I'm sure if there was something that was really bad, we'd know." 

"Yeah, why would you be worried?" Heidi then says, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

Before I can answer Wendy says a quick "Ohhhh," then glances over at Heidi, raises her eyebrows and then Heidi nods in return. 

"Y/n, we're gonna go now." She says frantically. "I think we can help." 

They then go off, leaving me here on the park bench. 

What the fuck. 

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