Chapter 21 The End of an Era II

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BTW the 33rd floor I mentioned in the previous chapter is the 33rd floor underground.

Kevin and Hua ascend the stairs in no time and reach the control room where Mei and the operation control staff are located. The room is a huge room with holograms that shows each of the base's sector. Some are highlighted in red, which means fighting is occurring right at this moment. Some are highlighted in blue, which is either the sector is clear or that it has been cleared. But there are also some sectors highlighted in black, a lost sector. The sector has been destroyed or lost, either being completely blocked and destroyed or the fighting is lost and the soldiers sent there died. The 33rd floor is that being the epicenter of the awakening, the entire floor is black. It seems that any floor below the 15th has all been blacked out. There is some fighting on the 12th, 8th, and 5th floor, but overall it seems that the situation is under control in the base.

For the soldiers currently fighting, happiness is everywhere. They had just received the news that the 12th Herrscher have been subdued and were thrilled that humanity survived another Herrscher. But unbeknownst to them, the situation in the control room is full of despair and regret. The Herrscher at the last moment manages to hack into the organization's missile silos and launch every single warhead onto the remaining few cities that humans still live in. Yet that is not all.

Kevin entered the Control room with Hua behind him, trying to look for his girlfriend who has managed to contain the Herrscher. In his mind, Mei probably uses some trap for which the Herrscher falls. Kevin is proud of her, even if humanity's last cities have been razed to the ground, at least the Herrscher threat had been eliminated and the remaining humans scattered about in the world, including the ones in this case, can rebuild the civilization that has been lost.

Mei is sitting in front of a glass container with her assistants looking at a black box inside the container.

"Mei, I heard the Herrscher has been subdued, good work" Kevin said as he walks closer to Mei

"Yes, the Herrscher is inside this box specially designed to contain honkai energy. More importantly, have you heard about our missile getting hacked?" Mei turned her head towards him and said.

"Hua already told me. It is regrettable but we can rebuild, and humanity is still not lost." Kevin said as he arrived in front of Mei. "Anyways, I'm glad you are safe" Kevin Hugged Mei.

Usually, Mei will be embarrassed when he does these kinds of PDAs, but not today. Mei hugged him back and buried her face in his chest. Through that, Kevin knows that the destruction of those cities has dealt a lot of regret and pain to his girlfriend.

"*cough, I am sorry to interrupt, but have anyone of you seen Liana? I didn't see her anywhere." Hua interrupted.

"I send her to the safe room on the surface, she should be there waiting" Kevin break the hug and turned to one of Mei's assistants. "Could you contact the surface and asked Liana to come down here?"

The assistant immediately contacted the surface to let them tell Liana to come down to the control room.

"We don't know where Ms. Liana is right now. At first, she had arrived and had been assigned a space in the safe room but when we check there just now, she was not there. The people around there said that she has gone out and looked like heading toward the east exit." The person on the surface said.

"So you don't know where she went? You are supposed to take care of her in the safe room" Kevin angrily replied as he pushed the assistant away from the communicator.

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