Chapter 6 Squad Charlie

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It has been about three months, and our life inside the AE base is quite peaceful for the most part, I have not dreamed about honkai-chan since then. Also since Otto failed to kill Sirin and acquire the void core, Schicksal has been quiet, too quiet in fact that it made me think that they are planning something. I think Otto already knows that we are sheltering in AE since the only other organization that can rival Schichsal at this time is only AE. Although Otto is silent, I'm sure he will not stop until he reaches that goal of reviving Kallen as my world Otto does.

'I must say, even though I hate him for creating and using me and all those around me, his dedication and ingenuity are worthy of respect. I am sure that everything that happens, from my reawakening, Aunt Himeko's sacrifice, to nee-san's journey to the stigmata space, even to the end, is in his plan.'

How I wish he use that brain of his to save humanity rather than to sacrifice them, but maybe in his eyes, the sacrifice of many strangers pales in comparison to saving that one person who matters so much to his life. If I were to be faced with the same choice, to save my family or to save the world, what would I do? would I choose to go the same path as him? sacrificing a lot of people for a chance of reuniting with my family? Maybe I will do that.

'Ugh, I hate the thought of becoming like him'

He sacrificed so many people already, would it be a wise decision to help him achieve his goals to stop him from sacrificing others? or should I eradicate him and destroy his plans? which one is more morally correct? Everything falls in the gray zone here. Wait I have an idea, I heard that usually, a criminal has a terrible childhood. Even if the judge sympathizes with him, he will still be sentenced to punishment but with a more lenient term and perhaps rehabilitation. I've got two choices. Although I still don't know a lot about time travel and creating a new branch of the world tree, I can say for sure that it is doable with enough energy or when the imaginary tree's law is momentarily broken. Maybe I should help him with his goals. so that he won't experiment with others like Sirin and her friends, and stop committing mass murder. I wish that nee-san was here, she is smarter more robust than me.

"Captain Liana, you are nearing the area of contact" A voice sounded on my intercom

"Roger that, command" I responded. That is the command, the HQ so to speak. Currently, I am traveling to a region in NA that has reported numerous sightings of honkai beast and a rumor that the Judgement class Chiyou is present, I don't know how Chiyou got here but I am not taking any chances. After some thought, Welt decided to use us as a captain of AE squads. Cecilia and Siegfried will be tasked to lead the base's guard squad. Sirin and Kiana will be enrolled in school somewhere in Salt lake city. Bella will be a couch potato waiting for her queen, I must say I kind of envy her. And I became the leader of squad Charlie. This squad is made up of what I could describe as a Schicksal valkyrie. It turns out that even if the majority of their fighting force is comprised of mechs, AE still recruiting honkai-resistant people to act as human squads. The reason they use mechs is because of difficulty in finding honkai-resistant humans in only the NA region while Schicksal can use the entire world's human pool so to speak. AE call these human squad, infantry. After some time studying the military composition of AE forces, I find that they are run very similarly to a professional military rather than Schicksal's model of an academy. So no matter how powerful you are as a human fighter, you still need to follow your squad leader like a military even if you are stronger than her. No S-rank, A-rank something like that.

I looked back at my squad which comprises 3 other members.

"Alright, this time we are facing a probable judgment class beast, usually we need more manpower to fight this but due to it being in the close proximity of a population center, we need to neutralize it ASAP, as I said before when we departed, this is the strongest honkai beast class that existed, our goal is to slow it down for reinforcements to arrive, don't charge at it alright?"

New Beginning (Honkai Impact Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora