Chapter 20 The End of an Era I

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Kevin stares into the abyss, standing on what appeared to be a platform or floor floating on the air or in this case, the sea of quanta. The sea of quanta is a peculiar place, with bubble worlds slowly moving to their ultimate demise at the hands of whoever is at the bottom of this godforsaken sea.

For years and years, he has been trapped in the sea of quanta, wandering around and unable to find his way out. He could see his goal, the huge bright yellow tree above him. Its glowing brightness illuminates the sea in shades of blue, getting darker and darker with distance from the tree.

Though the goal is in plain sight, the journey there is not without any issues. There is currently no way for Kevin to travel up there, at least not that he knows of. At first, he tries to jump between platforms, hoping that these platforms might lead him up there, like an ultra-large staircase of some sort. But, it turns out to not be the case. These platforms are erratic, no pattern could be deduced from their structures. Sometimes, at the end of a series of platforms that seemingly go up, it just stops a dead end.

Kevin realized, after multiple failed attempts, that the platform is in fact not a staircase of some sort, it is just ruins of something that coincidentally pointed up. Everything is a coincidence.

Then, he realized that sometimes, at the end of the platforms, lies a bubble universe. Behind it, was another platform going up, and the only way through is to go into the bubble. He decided to try and enter the universe in hopes of exiting somewhere near the other platform. Sadly, as soon as he enters the universe, the tree disappears. He doesn't know where he was going relative to the tree and can only take his best guess. Sometimes, he exits into a platform bearing no similarities to what he saw prior to his entry into the bubble. Sometimes, he enters another bubble universe with an even less sense of direction. On the unlucky times, he exits into nothing and falls back down to a platform far below the bubble, erasing his gain for god knows how long.

It has been years and years, but still, he keeps on going through worlds and across platforms to reach that elusive goal of reaching the tree, but so far he is unsuccessful.

'How many years has it been since I am trapped here?' Kevin asked himself that question time and time again. Completely lost his sense of time in this endless journey to reach that tree. He sighed, knowing he himself cannot answer that question.

But, in the distance, suddenly a bright flash of light emerge from the tree. Even though normally, the tree glows in golden light, this light is even brighter than that.

'That never happened before' Kevin thought to himself, looking at the light.

Kevin decided to not look at the light and moved on to continue his journey as he feels that the light means nothing to him other than extra illumination.

After jumping into this platform, he looked at the end and find a bubble world and beyond that, a platform heading up.

'Guess I need to try my luck on this world'

He jumps and enters the world, fully knowing that when he exits, it is a gamble with an almost guaranteed loss on his side as time and time again has shown him.

But this time there is a difference. The bright light is still visible to him. He can see it clearly and in a split second, he knew that is where the tree was. That light grants him the ability to move with regard to the tree, like a north star. After using his brain and planning where he should go, he exited on the platform he saw earlier heading up.

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