Chapter 19 Recruitment

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The News

"The formal investigation report by Schicksal stated that the explosion's origin is on the building. Normally, a company that big has a little stockpile of Honkai fuel and a backup generator to guarantee that the HQ will have enough power to operate even in the event of a blackout. The amount of fuel is not sufficient to generate that explosion that occur the other day, but it still, emits dangerous radiation and thus requires some careful storage. The night before the explosion, Schicksal detected Honkai's presence near the building and contacted ME corp about that, sending a survey and containment team the next day. When they arrived, however, they are attacked by mechs in the building owned by Anti Entropy, a terrorist group who is based in North America that may or may not be linked to the United States government. During the attack, it is believed that all of the team members sent on the containment mission is gunned down ruthlessly. The mechs then opened fire at the military craft as the pilot tries to evacuate the scene. The mechs, failing to shoot down the craft with bullets, shoot the plane with Honkai rockets. The rocket explodes killing the pilot and the craft tumbles and crashes into the building, raining debris down to the ground. Honkai energy is released as a side effect of the Honkai rockets causing Honkai radiation sickness in the surrounding area. The chairman, Raiden Ryoma, and his family are presumed dead as they were inside the building at the time of the incident. Schicksal believes that Anti Entropy is hiding something inside the building to justify their attack against the craft."


Liana is floating inside the familiar black space, the space of dreams. Whether or not this is a dream or a piece of memory that has been forgotten, she doesn't know, but the certain thing is that this meant a new vision should play out in front of her. The last vision has been the death of Himeko, the dream Liana's squad leader. The red-haired commander has become a Herrscher with the power of flame that burned the city and materialized Honkai beasts.

A white flash occurred as the scene played out.


"Control, the Herrscher has been neutralized and Liana and Fu Hua has been rescued" Kevin spoke through the comms. The room is a sort of planning room, with people holding charts and talking through the comms. Mei is sitting on a chair facing a control panel with a couple of people standing next to her helping her by her side.

"Copy that, RTB, and meet me on the landing pad" Mei said as she stands up. She then ordered one of her aides to replace her in the seat and coordinate the recovery of the city. She then exited the room with two guards escorting her to the landing pad. They navigate the numerous corridors in the base which ends up with an elevator to take them to ground level. With the threat of Honkai and Herrscher attacks increasing day by day, control centers for combat operations have been moved to deep underground bunkers connected to the surface with an elevator and the emergency staircase.

The travel is uneventful, for Mei herself isn't on the talkative side and preferred to not interact with her guard except for the bare minimum. Even though Fire Moth has assigned these two individuals as her personal bodyguard for a while now, she doesn't even know their names. To her, it is not important, especially right now.

The elevator rises and the sound of the familiar *ting marked the arrival of the elevator to the surface. The doors opened and they exited the machine. The elevator itself is located within a small administration building with a receptionist table in front, near the entrance of the building. The receptionist bows to the group but Mei just walks past her, her mind is preoccupied right now.

The group exited the building and walk toward the landing pad.

The administration building is located in the central garden of the base surrounded by a U-shaped large multi-story building. The buildings house the offices of both the Military and Civil section of the Fire Moth. Around the said buildings are rows of barracks and a hospital located just south of the U-shaped Building. Large administrative buildings are located just across the street from the open section of the U-shaped building which houses the offices of the High Command of the region and their adjutants. Beyond that are the training grounds and warehouses for the base.

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