Chapter 12 Visions

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After that scene, another scene appears, it is inside a house, the girl that looks like me Liana, Kevin, and Mei are sitting on the floor in the living room, a table is there filled with books and stuff, it looks like a study session.

"Mei nee-san, how do you do this problem?" Liana ask Mei as she scoots over to her side and showed her book to Mei.

"Oh you just need to do...." Mei explains, "and that's how you get the answer"

"Thank you Mei nee-san, your explanation is better than my teacher" Liana smiled happily as she takes back her book and started writing on it.

"Your welcome Liana, if you have further questions just ask me" Mei said

"Hey Liana, don't always rely on Mei to teach you, you should study on your own" Kevin said

"Says the one who has been asking Mei nee-san every 2 minutes since we started, while I only asked her once, I guess I am happy that I don't have your stupidity genes Oni-chan, I sometimes worry about your future if you keep doing this," Liana said

"Hey who are you calling stupid huh? come here you little brat" Kevin said as he stands and walked towards Liana

"Ahh! Mei nee-san, protect me" Liana crawls away and hide behind Mei

"I am sorry Liana, I am staying neutral" Mei said

"What? Mei nee-san?" Liana said as she looked towards Mei in an [shocked] expression

"Hehehe, no one will protect you Liana, are you scared?" Kevin said as he closes the gap

"Wait, Oni-chan, let's be civil here, you are the older one so you should be tolerant. Wait, stay away, no, no, AHHAHAHAHA! STOP IT! HAHAHHAHAH" Liana screamed as her belly is being tickled

"This is what you get for being a brat, since I am older than you, you should respect me." Kevin said with a laugh as he tickled Liana

"I AM SORRY!! AHAHAHHAH! Wait Oni-chan, I can't breeeee HAHAHAHA!" Liana screamed as she rolled around on the ground. "I GIVE, I GIVE" she said as she doubled taps the ground.

"Hmmph, looks like you've learned your lesson, don't mess with me" Kevin said with a smug look

"Eh? Liana?" Mei suddenly said as she looked towards Liana's book

"What is it?" Liana said as she crawls back to Mei's side still holding her strained stomach due to the tickling.

"All of your answers before the one that I showed you are wrong" Mei said as she looked shocked

"What? How can that be?" Liana said as she look at her book

"PFFTT, HAHAHAHAHA!, who is it that said that she only asked once, but it turns out the one she didn't asked is all wrong, HAHAHAHA!" Kevin laughed on the floor as he rolled around, he didn't notice Liana sneaking up on him and prepared to tickle him.

"Shut up, I will teach you a lesson for laughing at me" Liana said and continues to tickle Kevin's stomach.

"Wait! AHAHHAHAHAHH! you brat, stop iiiiti HAHAHAHAHA! I give up" Kevin screamed, Liana stopped tickling him.

"That is the price you pay for insulting me, baka Oni-chan" Liana pouted as she crosses her arms

"Hey you are the dumb one, baka imouto" Kevin said back at her as he sits up while holding his stomach.

"What do you say baka Oni-chan?"

"I say you are a dumb girl, baka imouto" 

They are glaring daggers at each other until...

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