Chapter 5 Dreaming

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A white space

'Where is this? Maybe I am dreaming but this is a really weird dream. It looks like I am walking on nothing, everything is white.'

The white-haired girl walked around aimlessly trying to get a bearing on the situation.

'I should be dreaming right now, is this my consciousness's space? Why is it so empty though, my brain is a perfectly fine organ and I am sure it is filled with useful stuff, I am not dumb so this place shouldn't be my consciousness space, it is too empty'

Suddenly fragments of memory started flashing on the space. It is fragmented but she knew it was her past.

'My memories ...., St. Freya, Himeko-sensei, Arc city, Nagazora, Theater of Domination, Kolosten, this is my past ..., so this is my brain? Am I really that dumb?'

Suddenly the memories disappear, the white space transforms into a garden, a beautiful garden. Numerous greeneries arrange in a beautiful way, and in front of her is a white gazebo. Inside there is a table filled with sweets and tea cups and a figure is sitting on the chair, seemingly staring directly at her. This figure is extremely disturbing, it has no facial expressions, heck even any facial features, but provably the most disturbing of all is that it looks exactly like the girl.

"Who are you? why are you here? What is this space?" The girl asked as she readied herself in battle posture, ready to strike even though she has no guns, her fist still pack a punch.

"Welcome to my garden my child, Liana" The figure spoke as she stands up from her chair and greet the girl. "I usually don't talk to guests but I will give an exception to you since you are my child".

"You don't answer my question, who are you? Stop calling me your child" Liana responded, tension can be heard from her words, She instinctively knows that this figure is stronger than all the enemies she has fought.

"Ara~, you have been away from home for too long that you forgot your mother, maybe I should punish you?" The figure ask playfully, seemingly not noticing the tension in the air and started to walked towards Liana.

"You are not my mother, Cecilia is my mom"

"Cecilia is your human mother Liana, I am your true mother, you humans call me the will of the honkai ...." The figure speech is cut off suddenly by Liana's fist. The fist stopped in mid air in front of the figure and blown back away. Liana bounce off the ground a couple times due to the huge force she received. She then slowly stand back up.

"YOU!!!, it is because of you that I am suffering, because of you that so many people died"

"As I said before calm down" the voice suddenly becomes cold, and heartless. It was so heartless that Liana felt instinctively to  stop speaking. "Let's discuss is over tea shall we?" It is more of an order rather than an invitation, but Liana have no other choice to comply since the gap of power is so large.

The two of them sit on their chair.
"Drink the tea while it is hot, you can try out the sweets also" WOTH said reverting back to her playful speech intonation.

Liana drink the tea but have no appetite for the sweets, the situation isn't really the most conducive to enjoying sweets.

"Why are you attacking humans?" Liana asked the question that probably every single humans have asked before.

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