Chapter 8 Evil God

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"Welcome back, It's been a long time, how have you been?" Honkai-chan greeted me in the same place as before, with tea and sweets on the table. I walk to one of the chairs and sit, even though I am still wary of her, at least I know that she will not attack me, moreover, I need her to answer some of my questions.

"I'm fine, aren't you watching me anyways? You said you have watched me since in the test tube."

"Well, I just trying to do small talk, I do watch you since you are in the test tube in the other world, actually even before that when I watched Sirin. So I suppose you have something to ask me?" Honkai-chan sips on her tea even though not having a mouth. I must say that I can't get used to how creepy it looks.

"Yes, I want to ask you, why do Herrschers like me exist?" This time, I am more relaxed compared to the last dream and decided to reach out for the cheesecake on the table. Taking a bite of it. "Hmm, even though it is a dream, this cheesecake is the best cake I have ever had"

"I guess you are the Herrsher of the void, your stomach actually is a void, even in a dream, you still eat" Honkai-chan laughed.

"Hey shut up, it's just puberty ok? Anyway answer my question"

"Well you humans call me a god, I do think that I have powers equivalent to godlike to you people, do you think I am an evil god?" Honkai-chan's voice turns serious, she puts down the teacup that she was holding and crosses her fingers.

"Hey, stop answering questions with questions"

"Answer it first and I will answer you"

"Of course you are evil, if not for you then no one will suffer, no one should die from honkai eruption, and no one needs to kill their loved ones."

"I see, I understand your logic, but what if I tell you that I cared for all humanity?"

"Of course, I don't believe you, what makes you think that I believe you?"

"I see, actually I cared a lot about humanity more so than the other civilization"

"Then why are you killing humans," I asked skeptically

"If you hate gravity because it bounds you to the Earth, you would call gravity an evil force. But without gravity, there will be chaos and disorder, similar to mine. I exist as the governing force that dictates the rules of the world so that it is orderly, perhaps like the law of Physics. Similar to how weeding works, I need to destroy unstable worlds that are parasitic, thus when a world reaches the bottom of the sea, it is destroyed. Letting it live will just create a mess since the unstable world will suck souls into them even if they are still living in other worlds." Honkai-chan explained.

"Alright, I understand the [destroy the unstable world that reaches the bottom of the sea] part, but what is it have to do with denying humanity's progress?" I asked as I chowed down another slice of cheesecake.

"The tree is a collection of worlds that is stable and growing thus time flows naturally in there like your previous world and the current world you're living in. Like gravity, I am actually exerting pressure in the form of quantum energy that is diffused onto the world as honkai energy on the branches of the tree to keep it orderly and stable. Without me exerting pressure, the tree will disintegrate and the worlds inside will sink to the bottom of the sea and be destroyed."

"..." I can only respond in silence at the revelation that Honkai-chan gave. I never thought that actually, the honkai are keeping the world in order, if it were not for the honkai, we would suffer the same fate as worlds that reached the bottom of the sea. "You are lying," I said in disbelief

"It is your choice to believe it or not, but what I said is the truth. Without me, your world is unstable and will sink to the bottom of the sea to be destroyed." Honkai-chan shrugged. 

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