TWENTY: Rooftop

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Hiya guys, just wanted to give credits to my bestie who gives me most of these unholy situations to write about - go follow her TikTok it's @maz.murakami - she also does sexy aib edits 😼
And go follow me whilst you're at it @urfavcancer078

"I can't believe you just managed to make me forget to be angry with you." Niragi says with a smile.

"You rat, you tried to hit me." I scowl at the memory.

He's lead me up to the rooftop, and the wind ruffles my hair as my legs dangle over the edge of the building precariously. The cards are uncomfortably digging into my chest, but I don't want to adjust them because then Niragi would know where they are.

"Sorry." He says, and I think he means it. I hope he means it.

"Why did you even bring me up here?" I have to raise my voice to be heard over the whoops and cheers below, coming from the pool.

Niragi seems to snap back into focus, and a hard mask slides over his face, "Why were you stealing the cards?"

Oh god, I thought he'd let that go. They burn against my skin as I shift positions, leaning back on my hands.

"Technically it's not my fault," I say, wincing as my bandaged-but-healing foot bashes against the side of the building, "Chishiya made the plan and I was just carrying it out."

He turns to face me, raising an eyebrow, "that's not what I asked."

I sigh, "The beach is just so fragile at the moment and we're not gonna stay around to see its collapse, I guess."

"'We' being..?"

"Me Chishiya and Kuina. Though I guess you and last boss are welcome to join."

Niragi hums, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. He rolls his head to one side then the other, unaware of me openly admiring his features. His light brown eyes, those full lips that fit so perfectly against mine, his smooth clear skin.

It's a nice spot, actually. I can see why he brought me here. Loud but quiet at the same time, with the sun shining down on us and the wind balancing out the heat.

"Why Chishiya, though?"

I turn to look at Niragi, and he's frowning at me.

I smirk a little.

"What, are you jealous?"

"No you bitch, Chishiya just isn't really the trustworthy type." He replies in an annoyed tone.

"What if you get caught." He adds, "You know Hatter will order you to be killed."

Warmth spreads through me at his genuine concern.

"Don't worry, Niragi, we'll leave long before hatter will know about the cards."

He huffs, looking away just as the door to the rooftop opens.

"Aika, I've been searching for you everywhere." Last boss comes into view, sword strapped to his back and tattoos gleaming in the sun.

I get up, and bounce over to him, grinning, "Couldn't stand to be without me, could ya?"

His facial expression doesn't change, "No, actually I could, but An wanted to talk to you." He then shifts his gaze to Niragi, who's walking over to us, and pulls a disgusted face.

I flick his forehead, then thank him and start to dart off.

"Aika wait." Niragi calls after me.

I press my lips together, face burning up. Last boss takes this as his cue, and waddles off. What a legend.

"I'm not gonna let you run off like this again." Niragi promises, then holds out his arm mockingly.

I dramatically lay my hand on his, and incline my head slowly, bowing old-fashioned style. Then I drop the act, meeting his eyes.

"Look, Niragi, I don't think I can-" but before I can finish my sentence, a trio of irrelevant militants run up to us like the NPCs they are, panting slightly.

"There's an urgent meeting in the usual room now, if you see any others, bring them with you," one says, then shoves his friends and they all dart off again.

Annoyance flares in me at the interruptance, but it's mainly drowned out by my curiosity.

Why the urgency? They all looked pretty stressed.

I go to exchange a glance with Niragi, but that dumbass has already started walking without me. I hurry to catch up, annoyance battling with my stupid attraction to him.

I fall into step beside him, and we both walk in silence the rest of the way to the meeting room.

Sorry it's been a while my fellow crackheads
(don't do drugs kids)  <3

Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cWhere stories live. Discover now