TWENTY-THREE: Protectiveness awhh

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Another door slams shut and Niragi sighs, so easily bored. I stop leaning against the wall and walk to the next door, opening this one for him too. Obviously we're not going to find any cards, due to the fact they're literally in my bra, but we have to look just in case someone comes along to check on us.

Niragi brushes past me on his way into the room, and goosebumps spring up on the patch of skin he touched. I roll my eyes, following him in and resting against the bathroom door.

He turns back, one hand in his pocket, and smiles when he catches me looking at him. Dang. I smile at the carpet.

Whilst my gaze is averted, Niragi strides back to the door and shuts it. My heart picks up its pace, confusion boiling through me.

I eye him warily as he approaches, but thankfully he stops a metre away, crossing his arms.

"Look, I don't think this is a good idea." He says.

"What, the card-napping? Niragi, how would anyone know I had anything to do with it?"

"But what if Last Boss or Kuina tells someone. It's you that would take the blame, they'd..."

"What? What are they gonna do to me?"

"They'd hurt you," he takes a step closer, "And I'm not going to be able to stand around and watch that happen. We'd both end up being killed."

There's a beat of silence whilst I let this sink in.

"We can't magically find them now, that's too suspicious." I say quietly.

"But we can! Well just say they were in one of these rooms, maybe hatter was looking at them and didn't put them back."

I sigh, "I'm not going to give in, my answer won't change. I'm sorry."

Niragi runs a hand over his face, exasperated.

"I just.. I can't. I don't want you... I can't see you get hurt. I won't let that happen." He says, meeting my stare forcefully.

My expression relaxes into one of adoration. He really does care.

I don't think, I just close the distance between us and wrap my arms around him. I'm filled with so much overwhelming love for this man, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I barely even know him.

At first, Niragi stiffens and looks down at me in surprise, then one of his hands tangles in my hair, the other drawing me tighter in.

"I don't like this." He whispers.

"What?" I ask, voice a little muffled.

"I don't feel right." He replies, and he sounds so scared that I look up at him in alarm.

I raise a hand and press it against the smooth skin of his forehead to check for a temperature, but the heat feels normal.

"No, you idiot," he says through clenched teeth, taking my hand away from his face and holding it for longer than necessary before relenting it. He really looks conflicted.

"Well bottling it up won't do you any good. You can talk to me, you know that right?" I murmur, tracing the patterns of his shirt.

Niragi groans, rolling his head back, so I rub my hand along his arm soothingly.

"Stop that." He snaps.

"Stop what?" I reply, a little hurt.

"Stop being fucking adorable. I don't want to feel like this."

My eyes widen, does he like, like-like me?? Like not just for the shits and giggles? Maybe he will want a relationship. Maybe I can convince him. Maybe I should.

"Niragi, at least meet my eyes." I say.

He looks at me, and all doubt evaporates from my mind. I notice his expression also clearing, the darkness in his eyes dissolving.

"I kind of hate you." Niragi breathes, the words just meeting my ears before his lips slam into mine, one of his hands wrapping around my throat, squeezing just enough that I'm breathless.

I don't expect the sudden passion that rips through me, the desire for him, and for him to know that he's all I'll ever need.

Body pressed up against the door, I clutch Niragi to me. I need to know this isn't a lie, that this is actually happening; this intense burning deep in my stomach, both of us panting to catch our breath between the frantic kisses, the world around us blurring.

It's as if we're in a little bubble, and I can only focus on the all consuming fire burning within me. His lips clash against mine sloppily, tongues tracing over one another.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Niragi gasps into my mouth. In reply, a breathy noise unfurls at the back of my throat.

My hands roam over his face, his hair, up his shirt. I'm blinded by this all consuming hunger for him, I need to feel his skin on mine, I need him closer.

Skimming my fingers along the waistband of his boxers, my lips curl up and Niragi shudders against me, a hand gripping my lower back squeezing me tighter against him.

Still not enough.

He starts to undo my bra, and I let out a whimper at the feel of his smooth hands trailing on my bare skin. I don't fight against him, only deepening the kiss, drinking him in like a cold drink on a hot summers day.

Niragi's hand trails under my bra, sending a delicious shiver up my spine. He deliberately goes slowly, then-

He pulls away. What.

Breathing shallowly, I open my eyes. Niragi has taken a step back, licking his swollen lips, and holding the deck of cards.

That motherfucker.

He looks back at me, a little guiltily, but doesn't make any move. I grind my teeth together, clipping my bra back on, then before he can react, I snatch the cards out of his hand and take off out the room, slamming the door behind me.

Humiliation burns through me as I pace down the corridor. I can't believe i was so stupid. Dumbass feeling getting in the way and ruining everything.

I shove the cards back to their original hiding spot, up against my burning skin, then clench my fists, wondering where the hell to go now.


Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cWhere stories live. Discover now