SIX: sexual tension

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Green is such a nice colour, what your fav colour?

After a long, awkward walk in silence, I stop just outside the door he was directing me to.

I turn and make a doubtful expression at him, "What exactly does this job entail?"

He smirks, rolling his head to look at the floor, "Just go in, Aika. We're upholding the third of the beach's rules."

"Death to all traitors." I remember, coldness filling me up, then, more sarcastically; "huh, funsies. So I didn't bring any weapons, am I just gonna be watching you murder these innocent people orrr..."

"Please. You're the same as the rest of us, you just have never actually killed someone before."

"Me? No, I'm a girl who's filled with sunshine and happiness," I snipe back. He doesn't know about that one horse-mask guy.

I do a long dramatic sigh, pivoting back on my heel, and opening the door. I then clasp my clammy hands together to stop them from shaking.

Niragi doesn't even wait for me to go in, just shoves past, and then the rattle of gunfire spews all over the room. I cover my ears, and shut my eyes as the five people inside wail and beg.

How could he do this so easily to these people?

Through the hands over my ears, I hear the last of them go quiet, but don't open my eyes. I'm not ready to see what he's capable of doing just yet. I blindly turn around, and start back the way we came in, hands outstretched.

I've managed two paces when my hands come into contact with the soft fabric of Niragi's black and white shirt. My face flushes with heat as I open my eyes to look up at him.

He doesn't smirk, which is a first, doesn't even roll his tongue. Just shoves his gun into my arms, then spins me around.

Nothing could have prepared me for it. The walls, the beds - fuck, even the ceiling. Everywhere is streaked with blood as if someone upended a massive bucket from Hell all over the room.
How can this amount possibly come from five people?? And I thought Aguni lost a lot of blood.

I back away in horror, but my body collides with Niragi's. I try to move forwards again, but his hands snake around my waist, capturing me in his arms.

I'm caught between vomiting from the disgust or vomiting from the butterflies ricocheting around my insides.

His hand trails to mine, and I swear to God, my heart MELTS when he aims the gun in my hands.
That is, until I realise what he's aiming at.

Apparently one hadn't died yet. A middle aged balding man, choking on his own sticky blood. He's scrambling backwards, but very slowly, as Niragi had managed to shoot him twice in the stomach.

Oh Niragi, you just couldn't let me have one nice moment.

I shake my head vigorously, not wanting to speak out of fear that I'd stutter.

I feel the vibrations of him silently chuckling against me as he leans down to put his face next to mine.


But my stupid face has to go all tomato on me. Traitor.

His cool breath fans onto my cheek, "Shoot."

I gulp.

"No," I croak.

He moves his other hand from my waist, cocks the gun for me, then puts it back.

"I said shoot."

"I'll shoot you next," I grumble, but I quickly pull the trigger anyway, avoiding eye contact with the doomed old guy.

He goes silent and his body hits the carpeted floor with a muffled thud. I breathe heavily, my chest shaking as I realise what I've just done. Tears prickle at the back of my eyes and a knot forms at the base of my throat.

Niragi straightens up and lowers the gun with our hands intertwined on it. He doesn't move though, to my surprise, just stands and holds me. It's like he knows the feeling. The hollowness you feel inside you after taking someone else's life. Like your organs been carved and scooped out.

I can't take it.

I brush him off me, walking out of the room without a backwards glance, although I do feel the heat of his gaze burning holes in my back.

I could really do with a cigarette right about now.

Might update again tonight if I don't fall asleep <3
If you made it this far, I love you, and let me know how you're finding the story!

Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя