TWELVE: Game start

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I'm listening to 4 big guys right now

I look around at the seven others around me. Chishiya and Kuina decided to do a diamonds game rather than a clubs, so I'm stuck with Niragi.
Not that I really mind...
Wait what.

The crater is a perfect circle, about thirty meters from one side to another, and the staircase is the furthest possible distance from all of us. Nervousness clenches my stomach. I've never seen a bear before, let alone four.

The walls look unscalable - smooth stone for about five meters up. I force myself to take a deep breath, and grip the cold phone in my hands tightly to hide the tremble. I can't let the claustrophobia kick in.

"How are we gonna play this?" Niragi materialises in front of me, waving his hands in front of my face so I focus back to the present.

I bat them away, scowling, "stop that."

He just chuckles and snatches the phone out of my hands, throwing it far away into a bush.

"WHY. JUST WHY." I raise my voice, narrowing my eyes. At least my fear is chased away by the annoyance this asshole brings me.

"Answer me." He lowers his voice so I do the same.

"Fine. Look, I think we should split up for this game and search for different buttons. The staircase seems like suicide - even with your ugly ass gun, these are probably mutation bears so we don't really have a chance there." Throughout the whole time I'm talking, Niragi is staring at me weirdly, which makes me want to move away from the heat of his gaze. Things are a little odd since that awkward car ride.

When I'm done talking, he rolls his eyes, breaking the contact, and I almost sigh in relief, "Sure, but my gun isn't ugly, she's a necessity." He says.

A sudden burst of laughter chokes out of me, "she??"

Niragi stutters, and looks at it, then frowns, "Don't make fun of my gun when your weapons aren't even a quarter as useful as mine." He then crosses his arms, and I almost laugh again at the cuteness of his angry-embarrassment.

"Whatever," I smirk, adjusting my knife belt, and strolling over to a bush next to a pillar.

Most people have already either hidden, or are running around. The cold nips at my bare legs as I crouch in some leaves and I curse the stupid beach rules. At least it's easy to run in.

I angle myself for the best possible view of the staircase, and the darkness beneath it. Something shifts in the shadows and my breathing ceases as a hair-raising roar echoes around the chilly crater, sending shivers down my spine.

~T I M E S K I P~

Blood on my shoes, blood on my face, blood matting my hair. I just saw someone get ripped to pieces less than a meter from me. I just fucking saw someone get ripped to fucking pieces less than a motherfucking meter from me.

My chest constricts and my lungs burn for oxygen, but I can't seem to draw in a breath. The bear is so close I could reach out my hand and touch it. It's enormous head is tilted back so that the rest of the mangled body can be tipped down it's gullet.

I wheeze, then force my numb legs to move, stumbling backwards. I have to get away from this, I have to get away.

"Three minutes remaining." The robotic voice rings out from all around.

My ears are ringing, eyes watering, mouth dry and hanging open in shock.


button... I need to find a button.

I turn and sprint, face scrunched against the wind stinging my eyes. I can't look back now. I just want to forget what I saw. Though, it's hard to forget when the memory is literally spattered all over your entire body.

I shake my hands, still running, the clomping of my boots on the stone too loud for my liking.

To my left, another bear is engaged in a fight with someone wielding two handguns, and on my right there's another clump of bushes.

I aim for the bushes, and come to an abrupt stop right in front of them. My shuddering hands claw at the leaves, searching, searching.

Where the fuck even is Niragi?

A BUTTON! I found one.

It's a little glowing neon orange bump on the floor, but just as I'm reaching down to press it, a girl dives under me, smacking her hand down on it. She straightens, looking me in the eye, and I look her up and down in shock.

She's quite pretty, I note with annoyance, with waist length smooth black hair and freckles scattered over high cheekbones. She also stands almost a head taller than me.
This is where my height puts me at a disadvantage.

She's glaring daggers into my soul, and an unsettling feeling resides in me when I look in her eyes, darkened with fury.

"You're the militant who killed my dad. Too bad karmas a bitch, I just hope you rot in hell where you belong." She spits in my face, then turns on her heel to run for the ladder that just lit up a bright orange.

For a second I stand in shock. Then I wipe the spit off my cheek (which comes off with a little more blood) and start after her, rage building.

I grab a knife out of my belt, and with frightening speed, send it whistling through the air to thud in her back, halfway up the ladder, before I can think through what I'm doing.

She lets out a yelp and her grip on the metal rungs loosens as she tumbles through the air to crumple on the ground.

"He was a traitor, I was doing my job." I say coldly at her figure.

"You're a heartless bitch. Don't make excuses." She manages to say between laboured breaths.

Then, she moves her hand to uncover something she was concealing on the floor. A bright blue shiny button. My eyes widen as she hits it, and the last thing the dying girl sees is my shocked expression before the light fades from her eyes, and she focuses on something way in the distance, invisible to me.

I gently close her eyelids with two fingers, barely holding back my flood of tears. Even though she's condemned me to certain death by deactivating the last two ladders, I can't help the overwhelming wave of guilt.

I just killed off almost an entire family.

I grab the knife from her back and wipe it on my stomach, but it just comes back even bloodier. I let out a hysterical noise, somewhere between a laugh and a sob.

I wish Last Boss were here.

I turn around and see Niragi scaling the last ladder. He obviously has no clue what's going on, but he turns back, eyes scanning the ground until he sees me, standing helplessly with a small knife clutched in a fist.

I make a comical expression and shrug, trying to keep the mood light, and he looks at me incredulously.

He hesitates, and I watch him silently.

Then, he starts to descend again, and jumps the last few rungs, then runs over to me.

Niragi takes one look at me, and that's all it takes, I burst into tears.

"Fucking idiot," I hiccup, hitting his chest, but he just catches my fists and puts them gently back at my sides.

He pulls my blood and dirt encrusted body to his, resting his head on top of mine, and hugs me tightly, holding me together as I unravel in his embrace.

The bears: 👁👄👁

Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cWhere stories live. Discover now