SEVEN: new friends

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Looks like I have some silent readers - HIIII
Also my bad I did fall back asleep last night 😼

I'm sitting in the shade, observing everyone in the pool after having stolen a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. The familiar sweet taste fills my lungs, and I exhale deeply, smoke billowing out around my head. I raise it to my lips again, but before I can take another drag, someone snatches it out of my hands and throws it in the pool.

"Hey!" I protest, ready to start an argument.

A tall girl wearing a blue bikini and her hair in dreads sits down opposite me. She's very pretty.

She's got a stick clamped in her mouth, so takes it out to speak, "Trust me Aika, smoking won't help you achieve anything. I'm clean since I got here - we've gotta stay healthy for the games."

I sigh, letting my head drop. I just wanted a little escape. I guess you can't even have that anymore.

"Wait, who even are you?" I ask, wondering how she knows my name.

"Kuina," she offers me her slender hand, and I shake it, smiling, "Chishiya told me about you. Said he thought you were a psychopath at first, but you're actually quite nice."

"To be fair, I was practically bleeding out the first time he met me, and I thought I was about to be raped and brutally murdered by them," I explained myself.

Kuina smiles, "I wouldn't put it past Niragi. So, how are you finding the beach?"

"It's something," I say suggestively, leaving it up for interpretation.

"Sure is," she sighs, "hey, if you ever want to talk to or someone to hang out with, me and Chishiya are usually in the Lobby."

Happiness spreads through me at the thought of new friends, "that would be great, I'll make sure to stop by sometime."

"I've gotta go now, Adios, mi amor," she stands and winks, before starting off.

I gasp at the sudden memory this brings me, "KUINA, ¿HABLAS ESPAÑOL?"

she turns, eyes wide. "SI, SI HABLO UN POCO,"

"YO TAMBIEN!" I squeal, jumping up. We both grab each other's hands and jump up and down like lunatics. Was there something else in that cigarette??

After that, she sits back down, and we both have this conversation in Spanish where I learn she used to do martial arts, but ran away from home because her father didn't accept her, and I tell her how I was just raised by my mum because my dad left before I knew him.

"Looks like we both have daddy issues," she says, and I make a face.

Finally I have a friend again. Even though I've just met her, I feel like I can trust Kuina.

"By the way, me and Chishiya have a plan to escape this place. You can't tell anyone, but I think you could fit in if you want?" She asks.

I nod, "fill me in."

I don't really like this chapter, but it is what it is <3

Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cWhere stories live. Discover now