ELEVEN: 6 of clubs

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"Registration is now closed. Welcome players. This game is Called Bear pit.

Difficulty: 6 of clubs.

Rules: you're currently standing in a deep crater. there are seven buttons, one for each player, each with a corresponding ladder on the side of the pit, scattered around amongst the bushes and pillars. You can only scale a ladder if you've pressed its colour-coded button beforehand, or else your bracelets and anklets will explode.
The only other way out is the main stairwell at the far corner.

In thirty seconds, four bears will be released from under the stairwell, intent on eliminating you. Either attempt to get past them and up the stairs, or find a button and scale it's ladder, whilst avoiding these carnivores. More than one button can be pressed, but only the person who presses the button may scale the corresponding ladder.

Clear condition: escape the bear pit within the time limit.

Time limit: ten minutes."

I hope this makes sense <3

Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu