We all three laughed then stopped due to the ding from the door. I turned around to come face to face with Adalind who looked surprised to see me as well,

Juliette:"Hello, who is this little cutie?!"

She rushed quickly around the counter to pet the dog Adalind has with her.

Adalind:"This is Shadow, she's feeling a bit down and I can't figure out what it could be. Can you help me?"
Juliette:"Of course, Sy mind helping me I know you prefer dogs over cats."
Me:"Yea. Sure. I'll help. Kate keep Miss?"
Adalind:"Adalind Shade."
Me:"Right, keep Miss Shade company."

Adalind backed off letting me know she wouldn't cause trouble, I followed Juliette to the examination room. Once the door was closed I looked at Juliette who seemed concerned by my reactions.

Juliette:"Is that her?!"
Me:"Quiet but yes it is."
Juliette:"Maybe you should call Sean?"
Me:"No, she came for help so I'll have to set aside my feelings towards her aside."

She nodded and together we picked up the dog placing her on the table to be examined. Going through a few tests I noticed the dogs eyes change but I couldn't explain it, reaching to pet her to get her to relax she leaped up latching her jaws around my wrist causing me to scream, Juliette struggled to get the dogs jaws open. Kate rushed in just after Juliette freed my wrist from the dog,

Kate:"What the hell happened?!"
Me:"All I did was reach to pet her and she fucking bites me!"
Kate:"Sy your bleeding pretty bad we need to get you to the hospital."

Kate quickly helped Juliette put the dog in a cage then wrap my wrist into a towel as they guided me out to Juliette's car. Once I was in the backseat Kate turned towards me,

Kate:"Did it bite you anywhere else?"
Me:"No.. fuck don't tell Sean."
Juliette:"Someone has to know about this Sylas."
Me:"Fine only tell Nick."

I locked eyes with her from the rear view mirror and she nodded. Juliette pulled in front of the hospital throwing the car in park to jump out and help me out of the backseat,

Kate:"Go I'll park your car."

Juliette nodded to her then rushed me inside,

Nurse:"What happened?"
Juliette:"She's a vet, a new patient bit her.."
Nurse:"Let me see."

Juliette slowly opened the towel causing the nurse to go wide eyed before rushing me to a room.

Nick's P.O.V

Sean and I stared at each other for awhile,

Me:"I take it you went and saw her today."
Sean:"I did and I could tell she wasn't happy to see me but she will be coming home tonight."
Me:"That's fine, Juliette and I planned on taking her out for dinner if your willing to join us?"
Sean:"Your asking me? What took so long."
Me:"Don't worry about it but I'm willing to put our differences aside even if it is for one night."
Sean:"Very well, shall she get dressed at yours or mine and her place?"
Me:"That's up to-"

I paused due to my phone ringing, I saw it was Juliette calling so I held up my finger as I answered her call to hear she was speaking frantically.

Me:"Whoa Juliette slow down...wait what happened...on my way stay put."

I hung up seeing Sean staring hard at me,

Me:"Your not supposed to know but you need to come with me, like now."
Me:"Sylas was rushed to the hospital something to do with a vicious dog bite."
Sean:"Let's go."

The way Sean jumped up for the door gave me an uneasy feeling but I stood up following him anyways only for us to be stopped by Hank,

Hank:"We got a case?"
Me:"No, we have a Sylas problem."
Hank:"She get taken again?"
Sean:"Not physically. Look we'll talk about it on the way I need to see her right away."
Me:"Captain's driving."
Hank:"And I'm tagging along."

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