"This is a painting, this is another painting, and THIS! Is another good painting." The little kid said pointing at the many paintings while walking down the hallway. "Seriously?" I mumbled to myself. "Woahh." Leo admired the paintings childishly. "I know right?" The kid and Leo were busy vibing.

"Uh, hey ki-" I was cut off by the child. "Don't you think calling me a 'kid' is kinda wierd. We are only five years apart in age." The boy crossed his arms. "Yeah Aries." Gemini giggled. "How do you know my age?" I looked at him surprised. "I did my homework." He puffed his chest up with pride. "Anyways what were you gonna tell me?" He asked.

"I was gonna ask who is this 'Alpha' exactly and why was he all bruised up and bleeding?" I finally asked. "Oh.. yeah, I forgot you guys saw that. He had the take care of some of the adults." He explained that like it was a normal thing.

"Adults?" Gabe asked confused. "Yeah, in Earth it might be different, but here kids rule. Adults are just there to make more kids. We run everything in this planet. But recently the adults built a couple of rebellions that stood against the law, which was written by kids of course." He explained.

"Woah. Cool." Gem smiled. "Does this mean we get icecream for dinner?" Leo asked exitedly. "You guys don't have icecream for dinner?" The kid asked with a confused smile. "OMG. I love this place!" Gemini squealed as her wings bolted up. "Oh and by the way, what's your name?" Gabe asked the boy. "Oh, it's Lee. I chose the name myself."


We reached a sliding door that seemed to lead to the balcony. "If you think that's impressive, check this out." The boy smirked and opened the doors revealing the entire city. "Woahhh." Leo ran up to the edge of the balcony to take in the view.

" Leo ran up to the edge of the balcony to take in the view

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(Just imagine something like that)

"Welcome to Lexon!" Lee shouted in excitement."How did you-" Gabe looked at the view in confusion. "Just because we are kids doesn't mean we aren't smart." Lee crossed his arms. "So, Lemme get this straight. This whole planet is run by people below the age of 18?" Gemini asked. "Yeah."

Gem suddenly started flying around the beautiful city with her wings. "I'll be back!" She shouted as she flew to the different places of the city.

I walked to the edge of the balcony and gazed at the beautiful sight. Who knew a bunch of kids could accomplish this. It's beautiful, it reminds me of Libra.. I hope she's alright.

"Ah, Frick. It's already nine fifty five. Come on and call the Gemini." Lee said as he hurried down the long hallway making me wake out of my trance. "Gemini! Come back hereeeee!" Gabe Shouted. She soon landed, but accidentally tripped and fell on Leo making me laugh so hard. I swear I tried to keep it in. "Both their faces were as red as a tomato. Gabe and I just stood there and laughed at the sight.

"Uhh.. so sorry." Gem apologized and got out of Leo. "I-It's alright." Leo said and got up. We ran down the hallway and caught up to Lee. He led us to another door. He dusted his clothes and calmy opened the door.

"Just in time." Alpha smiled as he sat down on one of the many chairs on the long table. We all sat down on. "The food will arrive soon, meanwhile let's talk about the reason you came here." He continued. "Yeah, do you happen to have a sort of 'clue room'?" I asked remembering how I conquered my planet.

"Uhh. I'm not much of a knowing person. That's Leah's job. Lee? Can you call her?" Alpha looked at Lee.

"Okie dokie." Lee giggled and spoke into his watch. "Leah? You there? Report to the dining room, Alpha wants to ask something."  "I'm on my way."

The food arrived and my eyes widened in delight. "WOOHOO! ICECREAM FOR DINNER!"Leo shouted exitedly. "Dig in!"

We started eating and to be honest this was the best dinner I have ever had. No offense to my parents... My foster parents.  My expression changed from delighted to angry. "What happened?" Leo asked noticing the change in my expression.

"Not much, I just found out that the people I have been living with under the same roof my entire life were being payed to take care of me the whole time. My actual parents are in my planet." I told him while I gritted my teeth. "Oh.. Damn... It'll be alright though, I bet it was pretty hard for them to let you go. They probably did it for a good reason." He tried to encourage me. I gave him a sad smile in return. 

Suddenly the dining room door busted open to a strawberry blonde haired little girl that looked around 10 years old ran in.

Suddenly the dining room door busted open to a strawberry blonde haired little girl that looked around 10 years old ran in

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(Again, just imagine her being ten)

"Sorry I'm late Alpha, I was all the way on the other side of town. Wait. Why are you all bruised up? Please don't tell me you were beating up the adults on your own again." She said with a worried face that had a hint of anger. "Okay. I won't." The boy smirked innocently making her sigh in annoyance.

"So, you called me?"

"Oh, yes. The zodiacs have arrived and they ask of a 'clue room'. You know what that is by any chance?" Alpha asked as she sat down on his right.

"Oh, yes! I remember reading about that in the library. And don't worry Zodiacs, I know exactly where it is." She said proudly.

"Perfect! But is getting late now and it's almost past bed time. So, let's take a look at that tomorrow.- okay?" Alpha said as he yawned.

"Okay sure!" Gemini said as she leaned on the chair. "Okay, good night Zodiacs. See you tomorrow." Leah waved and walked out of the room.

"Lee, can you take them to their bedroom?"

"Sure, come on." Lee got up and signalled us to follow him.

"Good night!" He said as he slammed the door shut. "It's Frick'n eight o clock!" Leo whined.

THE ZODIAC CLASS (a zodiac story)Where stories live. Discover now