The Rules Are Broken

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Nightmare's POV.

I was walking down the hall to check on (Y/N) when I heard her talking to Swapfell. I then opened the door but then I saw something run under (Y/N)'s bed. "Yeah, I'll tell Nightmare later", (Y/N) said, but then I looked at her confused. "Tell me what later", I asked her, but then she slowly turned around and gave me a weak smile. 

"N-Nightmare, I d-didn't know you w-were here", she said, but then I crossed my arms. "Tell me what later", I repeated, but then she looked down at the floor for a second. "Can we talk in private please", I asked Swapfell, but then he nodded as he walked out of the room. Once he closed the door I turned back around only to see (Y/N) sitting on her bed. "What do you want to tell me", I asked her, but then she took a deep breath. 

"Is it true that you don't like pets in the castle", she asked me, but then I froze for a second before sighing. "I don't really want any animals in the castle, but why are you asking me this", I asked her, but then she sighed. 

"While you guys were gone a fox ran into my room so I thought that maybe I could keep it as I pet", she said very fast, but then I paused for a second. "I-I'm sorry, I'll g-get rid of it I p-promise", she said with tears in her eyes, but then I walked over to her. "Don't cry", I said putting my hand on her shoulder, but then I felt something rubbing on my leg. 

I then looked down but then I saw that it was a black and grey fox that was rubbing on my leg. "Is this the fox", I asked her, but then she looked down at the fox. "Yeah", she said, but then I put my hand down to pet it, but once I started petting it the fox started making weird noises. "It likes you", (Y/N) said, but when she said that I knew that she was upset. 

I then sat up and looked at her with a smile on my face. "I'll let you keep it, on one condition", I said, but then she nodded as she smiled up at me. "You take care of it, and I don't want it to tear anything up", I said, but then she smiled. "Got it", she said, but then she sat on the floor and played with the fox. I watched her as she played with the fox but then I got an idea. 

"I'll be right back", I told her, I then teleported to a closet and then I grabbed a box. I then teleported back to her room and then I put the box on the ground. The fox then got into the box and it laid down while looking up at me with its tail outside of the box. 

"I think Pepper likes it", (Y/N) said, but then I turned my head and smiled at her while she got up. Once she started talking to Pepper I decided that I would leave them alone for a while. I thought that I would also talk to the others and let them know that there would be a fox running around the castle.

Stalker's POV.

I was walking down the hall when I heard Nightmare yell for all of us. I had been gone for only a few days to finish a mission and there was already a cute girl in the castle. Once I got to the throne room I saw that everyone was already there and Nightmare was sitting on his throne. "You needed us boss", Fell asked him, but then Nightmare nodded as he stood up from his throne. 

"There will be a new animal in the castle, I want no one to hurt or kill it. It's (Y/N)'s pet and it is a little black and grey fox", he told us, but then I froze for a second. "Boss, I just have one question, didn't you say no pets in the castle", I asked him, but then he turned his head towards me. "I changed my mind, but that doesn't mean that you guys can just get a random animal", he said, but then we all nodded as we walked away. 

Horror was walking with me and we decided to go check on (Y/N) and see her little fox friend. Once I knocked on her door I heard her moving around, but then she finally opened the door. "H-hi Stalker and H-Horror", she said, but then I smiled down at her as she gave us a small smile. "Hey, um, Nightmare told us about your little friend and I was wondering if I could see it", I asked her, but then she looked at us and then she nodded. 

Once she opened the door I saw the little fox in the box but then Horror smiled at it kind of creepily. "Horror no, you can't kill it", I said, but then he just rolled his eyes at me as he smiled at (Y/N). "Does it have a name", I asked (Y/N), but then she nodded at me. "I named her Pepper since she kind of looks like it", she said, but then Horror walked up behind her. "It's a good name", he said, as he rapped his hands around (Y/N)'s waist. 

We all watched as Pepper got out of the box and walked around Horror and me. "I think she likes you guys", (Y/N) said, but then I saw Horror have an evil grin on his face. "Hey, how about we play a game", he said, but then (Y/N) smiled at him and nodded. 

"Sure what game should we play", she asked him, but then he smiled at her even more which was making me a little jealous. "How about hide and seek", he asked her, but then I saw her smile at him while he was still grabbing her waist. 

"But before we start can we get two more players", she asked him, but then he nodded. "Sure", he said, but then I walked over to them. "Could I play too", I asked them, but then (Y/N) smiled at me as she shook her head. "I know the perfect person for the last player", Horror said, but then (Y/N) smiled at him and I knew who he was going to pick.

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