The Confession

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(Y/N)'s POV.

I had finished my bowl of cereal when all of a sudden Nightmare came into the room and then he walked over to me and Fellswap. "(Y/N), after you're done here please meet me in the throne room", he said, but then I nodded as he left without looking at Fellswap. "Well I better get going", Fellswap said as he started to walk to the door. 

Once he left I put the bowl in the sink and then I headed to the throne room. Once I got there I knocked on the doors but then I heard Nightmare say that I could come in. Once I did I shut the doors behind me but then I saw him standing beside his throne waiting on me. 

"(Y/N), we need to talk about something", he said as I walked up to him a little nervous. I was worried that I did something wrong so I looked at him with a concerned look on my face. "(Y/N), have you ever felt love around anyone", he asked me but then I thought for a moment. 

"O-only my f-family and my e-ex", I said, but then all of a sudden he looked surprised but concerned at the same time. "You had an ex", he asked me, but then I nodded but then all of a sudden he hugged me. "Don't worry, we'll treat you better than he did", Nightmare told me, but then all of a sudden I looked at him confused. "W-what do you m-mean by that", I asked him, but then he looked at me and smiled. 

"Well ever since you came here I have felt positive feelings around the castle. I thought it was all from you but it was from all of us because we all like you as a crush", he said, but then my heart started pounding fast once he said that. "What", I asked him, but then he nodded as he smiled at me, but then I looked down at my feet and all of a sudden I started feeling my cheeks heat up.

 "You don't have to feel the same way, but that's why we have been acting weird lately, now I will let you go to your room so you have time to think", he said as he opened the doors for me. Once I left he teleported the others in there and told them what had just happened.                                         (One hour later)                                                                                                     

It had been around an hour ever since I talked to Nightmare and I was starting to get bored. I decided to just roam around the castle for a few and then head back to my room before Nightmare or any of the others found me. 

I was just walking around when I heard someone walking towards me, so I hid in a closet but then I heard the person talking. "Yeah I know, but why would Nightmare tell her that", I heard a voice say. "I don't know, but let's just go and see what the boss is up too and see if we can check on her", another voice said. 

Once I didn't hear anything I quickly got out of the closet and headed towards my room. I didn't want them to find out that I had been walking around the castle so then I just laid on my bed. A few moments later I heard a knock on my door and then someone started talking. "(Y/N), can we come in, it's Killer and Dust", I heard a voice from the other side say. 

I then opened the door and I saw them both just standing there looking at me with grins on their faces. "May we come in", Dust asked me, but then I nodded as I walked back to sit on my bed. Once they got in my room they shut the door and then Killer sat by me on my bed as Dust stood by the wall kind of close to me. 

"So, what have you been up to", Killer asked me, breaking the silence between us. "Nothing much, I was just bored so I was just laying here", I said, but then all of a sudden Killer put his arm around my shoulder. I then looked over to Dust but it looked like he was talking to someone but I didn't see anyone. 

"Dust says that his brother is dead but he can see him, but we all think that he's crazy", Killer told me, but then I looked over at Dust again. "Are you guys always mean to him", I asked him, but then Killer looked at me concerned. "Well no, but we do at least once a day", he said, but then all of a sudden I got up and walked over to the table on the other side of my room to grab my phone. 

Dust's POV.

I was talking to Papyrus when I saw (Y/N) getting up and walking over to the table. Once she grabbed her phone she walked back to her bed but then she started to type on her phone. A few moments later she started walking over to me but I then felt my heart beating very fast. "Hey Dust, is it true that you can see your dead brother", she asked me, but then all of a sudden I froze and looked over at Papyrus. 

"TELL HER THE TRUTH", he said smiling at me, I then turned to face her again and then I nodded. "Well can he hear me", she asked me, but then I looked confused at her as I nodded again. "Well I'm going to put my phone on the bed and then once I open this app if he talks we can hear him", she said, but then I froze for a second. 

"Those apps don't work", Killer said, but then (Y/N) looked at him with a big smile on her face. She then opened the app and then she put her phone on the bed. "THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK", Papyrus said, but then the phone suddenly repeated what he had said. 

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