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(Y/N)'s POV.

"Is it true that Fellswap kissed you", Nightmare asked me, but then I froze for a second. "Yeah, he did", I told him, but then he nodded as he started getting closer to me. "Well, did you like it", he asked me getting closer with each small step. "I don't really know, I had never been kissed before", I told him trying to slowly back up away from him. All of a sudden my back hit the wall and then Nightmare walked even closer to me. 

"So that was your first kiss", he asked me, but then I nodded trying to get away. Nightmare then put a tentacle to my right and then he put one to my left so I couldn't escape. "W-what are you d-doing", I asked him, but then he just smiled at me leaning in. All of a sudden he kissed me too, but this time no one was there to pull him away. 

He then put his hand under my chin and I could feel him smiling as he kissed me. Once he pulled away I looked down and tried to hide the blush on my cheeks. "Did you like that", he asked me, but I didn't answer him because I knew that I would stutter. He then used his hand and then he made me look at him. "You know, you're cute when you blush", Nightmare told me, but then I looked down while he still had my chin in his hand. 

We then heard some footsteps walking towards us so then Nightmare got off me and then he turned around. It was Cross, and he was walking towards us, but I guess he didn't see us kissing. As Nightmare and him were talking I decided to make a run for it and then I headed towards my room. But as I passed one room I could hear a noise coming from there. 

It sounded like something was hitting the wall, so I decided to see what was going on. I then opened their door quietly and then I tried to find a hiding place really quick. But then all of a sudden a knife flew by my head and then I turned around to see that it was Killer's room and he was standing in front of me. 

"You should be more careful darling, you could have gotten hurt", Killer told me, but then I tried to take the knife out of the wall. I couldn't get it, but then all of a sudden I felt Killer grab onto my waist and then he pulled me closer to him. "Can't get it", he asked me, but then I nodded as he pulled it out of the wall very easily. 

He then let me go and then he turned around to continue what he was doing. I then watched him as he grabbed a knife and then he threw it at a target on the wall by his bed. I watched in amazement but then he turned around and stared at me smiling. "You can come closer", he told me, but then I realized that I was still by the door. 

I then walked over to his bed and then I sat down to watch him throw his knives. A few seconds passed and he was doing very well when all of a sudden he stopped and then he looked at me smiling. "Do you want to learn how to do this", he asked me, but then I looked up at him and then I nodded my head.

Killer's POV.

Once (Y/N) got up and walked over to me I then put her in front of me. I then handed her my knife and then I taught her how to properly hold it before throwing. Then I put one hand on hers while the other one went around her waist. 

She was kind of tensed up but that was probably either because I was holding her waist or that she was nervous about throwing knives. I then told her to try and relax and once she did I pulled our hands back and then I told her on the count of three let go. "One, two, three", I said as we moved our hands, the knife barely missed the target but she still hit it. 

Once I grabbed the knife I turned around and saw that she was smiling and she looked so cute. I then walked over to her and then we tried it a few more times until she got the hang of it. Once she was confident enough to do it herself I sat down on my bed and watched her. She did everything right and once she threw it she hit the target a little bit to the left of the center. "Great job", I told her as I started walking over to her smiling. 

She looked really cute standing there smiling at me. I was about to give her a kiss when we heard Nightmare yelling for us. We then started walking towards the dining room but then I saw everyone waiting on us. "What were you two doing", Dust asked us, but then I just rolled my eyes at him as I sat down. 

(Y/N) sat between me and Dust but I could see Dust trying to put his arm around her shoulder. I then put my arm around her waist but then she blushed a little. Cross then came out of the kitchen and then he put down some plates and then he sat down. We then all started eating but then I realized that (Y/N) wasn't really eating a lot. 

I was beginning to worry about her, but I guess I wasn't the only one who realized. "(Y/N), aren't you hungry", Nightmare asked her looking up as she ate a small bite. "Not really", she said, but I could tell something was off about her and I didn't like it. 

"Here, have some", I said handing her some (F/F), but then she pushed it away a little looking down at her plate. "No thanks, I don't want any", she said, but once she got done with her food she got up and headed towards the sink. 

She then walked up to her room but then Nightmare turned to face Dust. "Go check on her and see what's up, after you check on her let me know what's up", Nightmare told him as he left the room. But I felt like something was off about her, and I knew I was not the only one.

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