The Little Puppet

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(Y/N)'s POV.

I was in the cell just sitting there trying to find something to do when I heard someone walking towards the cell. I decided to see who it was but then I saw that it was just Nightmare. "Hi", I said trying to stay calm, but then all of a sudden he opened the cell door and then he went in. 

Once he shut the door I looked confused but then he kind of smiled at me a little. "Are you hungry", he asked me, but then I nodded slowly trying to find out what was going on. Maybe he was going to bring me some food to eat because I was kind of hungry. "Come on, you can eat with us", he said as he opened the door for me. 

I was kind of confused about why he was being nice all of a sudden but I was not letting my guard down. "Ladies first", he said as I walked by him, but then I got really confused. Once we got to the dining room I saw all of them sitting down but then I looked around and saw that there was no chair for me. 

"Um, N-Nightmare, there's n-not enough ch-chairs", I said, but then he smiled down at me. "I have a seat for you", he said, but then we started walking over to the table. He then sat down but once he did he then tapped on his leg. 

I then all of a sudden froze but then he just grabbed my arm lightly with one of his tentacles. Once I sat down on his lap he then got me a plate and sat it in front of me. A few seconds later we all started eating but while we were I felt a lot of eyes on me.

"So (Y/N), I was thinking that maybe the cell isn't the best place for you to stay since it isn't that comfortable, so would you like your own room", he asked me, but then I looked at him surprised. "S-sure", I said, but then Nightmare smiled at me as he turned to Error and pointed at him. 

"You'll stay in Error's room until your room is done", he said, but then I froze. After we were done eating I got up and headed for the door but then Nightmare stopped me. 

"(Y/N), please wait in the front room for Error, I need to talk to all of them", he said as he smiled at me. "O-okay", I said as I headed out the door, once I got to the front room I sat down on the couch. 

Error's POV.

"I know you guys like her, and I don't just mean as food", Nightmare said as he looked at Horror when he said that last part. "What are you talking about", Fell asked him, but then he looked at us and then he smiled a little. "You guys like her and you're not the only one", he said, but then he pointed at me. "Error, she'll be in your room until her's is done", he told me, but then I paused for a second. 

"WHAT, WHY DOES ERROR GET HER", Fellswap said, but then we all looked at him and then Nightmare smiled. "Oh, now I see what you mean", Fellswap said, but then I looked back at Nightmare. "May I go check on her", I asked him but then he nodded at me as he turned back to the others. I then teleported to my room but then I saw her looking at my voodoo dolls that I had made. 

"What are you doing", I asked her, but then all of a sudden she turned around kind of fast and then she looked at me kind of scared. "I-I was l-looked at y-your dolls, I-I'm sorry", she said, but then all of a sudden I saw that she had tears in her eyes. "It's fine, I'm not mad at you", I said but then she looked down and then she handed me the dolls. 

I then set them down and then I sat down next to her on my bed. "Hey, you're fine you didn't hurt anything", I told her, but then she looked up at me. "Are you sure", she said, but then I felt my heart skip a few beats. 

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal", I said, but then all of a sudden I heard her yawn a little. "Are you tired", I asked her but then all of a sudden she nodded. I then decided to let her lay down in my bed and take a nap, but then I saw her already getting into my bed. "I h-hope you don't m-mind me s-sleeping in your b-bed Error", she said, but then I smiled at her. 

"I don't really care, you can take a nap in my bed", I told her, she then laid down and then she curled up in the blankets. Once she fell asleep I then walked over to her but then I bent down to look at her face. "She looks so pretty", I said as I smiled at her, but then I tried to get up but for some reason I couldn't. 

I then looked down and I saw her hand had grabbed my scarf and she was holding onto it. I then decided to just lay down with her so I then scooted her over a little and then I laid down right beside her. I was laying on my back but then she grabbed onto my arm and then I looked over at her. 

I then moved a piece of hair out of her face and then she smiled a little in her sleep. I then kissed the top of my head and then I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. But what I did't know was that Dust was watching me cuddling her, and he was pissed.

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