The Jealous One

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Dust's POV.

I was checking on the prisoner when I saw that Error was laying beside her cuddling her. I was about to leave but then I watched Error kiss the top of her head. All of a sudden I felt really angry and I wanted to throw him out of the room. But then all of a sudden he looked up and then he saw me standing there. I was about to yell at him when the human moved a little in her sleep. I then decided to go and let Nightmare know about this because if anyone could make Error regret what he was doing it would be Nightmare.

Nightmare's POV.

I was just relaxing on my throne enjoying sometime alone when all of a sudden someone knocked on the door to the throne room. "Come in", I said, but then all of a sudden I saw that it was Dust and he looked kind of upset. "What is it", I asked him, but then he looked up at me and took a deep breath.

"Error is cuddling with the human and he also kissed the top of her head", he told me, but then all of a sudden I felt raged. "WHAT", I yelled, but then I got up and headed for the door. "Where are they", I asked him but then he told me that they were in the prisoner's room. Once I got to the door I told Dust that he could leave and once he did I opened the door and sure enough there was Error and the human. 

I walked over to him but then I saw the human moving around a little bit. I didn't want to wake them up so I decided to wait a few until they woke up. (One hour later) It had been around at least an hour when the human had finally started to wake up a little. 

Once they opened their eyes they looked at Error in surprise and then they tried to get up but he was holding onto them. "Want up", I asked them but then they looked kind of startled once I spoke. But then they nodded so I walked over and then I moved Error's hands slowly to let the human out. I then grabbed her with my tentacle and then I slowly walked out of the room with her. 

Once I closed the door I looked over at her but then she was looking at my tentacle that was around her stomach. I then let her go but then she smiled at me and I swear I could hear my soul beating very loudly. "Th-thanks", she said, but then I smiled at her as she turned around to leave. But then I grabbed her arm to stop her. 

"Where do you think you're going", I asked her, but then she looked confused at me. "I was g-going to go g-grab a snack", she said, but then I smiled at her. "Hold on, I'll get someone to go with you so you don't try to escape", I told her, but then I smiled at her as she nodded.

(Y/N)'s POV.

Nightmare then turned around and teleported another skeleton into the hall with us. "Fellswap, I need you to follow the human into the kitchen and make sure she does not try to escape", he said, but then the skeleton smiled at him. "Sure thing boss", he said as he began to walk towards me, but then Nightmare stopped him for a second. 

Nightmare then whispered something into his ear....or where his ear should be, and then the skeleton nodded. I then started walking off with the skeleton that Nightmare had called Fellswap right behind me. Once we got to the kitchen I looked around and then I found some cereal. Fellswap then sat down at the table and watched me to make sure I didn't do anything sneaky. I then got some milk and a spoon but then I looked around for some bowls. But once I opened a cabinet I saw that the bowls were on the top shelf. 

I was kind of short so I couldn't really reach them (sorry if you're tall just say your short for this story) so I got one of the chairs. I then stood on it and then I reached out for the bowl so I could have some cereal. I could almost grab it when the chair started wobbling and then all of a sudden I slipped and fell. 

But then all of a sudden I was caught and I turned my head a little and then I saw that it was Fellswap. "You need to be more careful darling", he said, but then I nodded. I looked him in the eyes but then I saw a bit of blush on his cheeks. Once he put me down we stared at each other for a few minutes when all of a sudden Cross came into the room. 

"What's going on, I heard a crash", he said, but then me and Fellswap turned our heads to face him. "The human was using a chair to grab a bowl and then she slipped so I caught her", he said, but then Cross walked over to me. 

"Are you okay, did you get hurt", he said putting his hands on my cheeks making sure I didn't get hurt. I then grabbed his hands and put them down off of my face. "I'm fine, Fellswap caught me before I hit the ground", I said, but then Cross looked over at Fellswap. 

"Okay, well I'm going to go", Cross said as he started to leave, once he left though Fellswap got a bowl down for you. After he did you got your bowl of cereal and then you sat down at the table. But what you didn't know was that Cross was kind of jealous because he had watched Fellswap catch you.

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