"You sound troubled." Jumping at the voice, you turned to see Anubis standing there, "Anything I can be of assistance with?"

A plate of food in his hands that he put on a table. Shaking your head, you stepped away from the shelves. Scanning the marking along some of the book spines you saw the same markings on each one.

"Ancient Egyptian text." He announced, with a smirk, "I know what you're trying to do. I'm not as stupid as you think.

"Well, you are part dog, so I thought I would take the chance." You shot back, going to the window.

Your eyes widening at the black sky and the stars that circled around. Down below there were people boats lined up, before a golden scale. You knew Anubis judged the dead, but not like this.

"Care to eat with me?" He offered, making you jump when you saw he was right next to you.

"I would prefer the company of a cat." You huffed, earning a chuckle from him.

"So, food doesn't entice you." He grumbled as if he was thinking.

"I never said that, but being kidnapped into the afterlife doesn't make me have an appetite." You explained, looking around the library, "What books are here?"

"Every book ever written." He explained making your eyes go wide, "It's all in Egyptian."

So much for reading. The only chance of going back would be to make whoever stole return what they stole. You went to leave, but you were forced to stop when he grabbed your hand.

"I could read you a story. You were so eager to read earlier." He reminded you.

"I'm not interested in bedtime stories." You snapped, earning a smirk from him.

"What else are you going to do?" 

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" You sighed, earning a smirk from him like he won.

"Probably just as stubborn as you."

Sitting on the window seat, you watched him pick out a book then sit right by you. It was Romeo and Juliet, much to your surprise. You didn't take death for a romance kind of guy. It's not like you hated it though. His voice was soothing enough that you could feel yourself falling asleep.

He was quiet when you woke up, but he was still there. Blinking your eyes open, you realized that you were resting your head against him, while he had an arm wrapped around your shoulders. The book was open in his lap. As was his mask. 

Looking up at him, you were surprised that he looked almost human. His ears were a little more pointed and you could see something like fangs for teeth, but he wasn't that bad looking. Okay, if he was a human, you would have absolutely fallen for him. He's not though and it's not like you're staying here. Glancing at the mask then back at him, you carefully picked it up. Putting it on, you looked around to see what was so special about the mask. Absolutely nothing. Just for looks, you guessed.

"You look cute in that." Turning to his voice, a piece of food was immediately shoved in your mouth.

Your face going warm at the fact he called you cute and he fed you. Not something anyone has done before. Pulling the mask lower, you tried hiding your shyness. That seemed to only make him laugh before the guard let out a growl.

"Very well." He declared standing and taking his mask back, "The thief gave up."

Jumping to your feet, you tried not to run a head of him as you returned to the throne room. Meg was on her knees between two guards while Mrs. Cantrell and everyone else looked worried.

"At last." Anubis hummed, putting a hand over Meg's head, "Now should you touch anything in the pyramids again, you'll be cursed. All of you will be returning where you belong."

Hearing his fingers snap, you flinched at the bright light. Expecting to be back at the pyramids or at home. When the light faded, you were still there. Blinking around the temple, you turned to him.

"Uh, what about me?" You questioned, before he turned to you, "Am I going home?"

"You are home." He answered turning to you, "You have powers equal to mine. A god in hiding, truly interesting."

"And here I was thinking you were trying to wine and dine me." You growled crossing your arms, "You only wanted power? Then take it. I've never experienced it so it's not useful to me."

"I was trying to do that too." He admitted, with a smile that gave you unwanted butterflies, "I'll train you myself. If I take your powers, it will kill you and I would hate for you to die."

Rolling your eyes, you were about to give him a sarcastic answer, but stopped when he put a hand on your face. His eyes scanning yours as he smirked. You mentally cursed his good looks but didn't hate the attention until he tried giving you a kiss. 

Holding a hand up to his mouth, you stopped him, "Not on the first date, Dog boy." 

That got a grin from him as he backed away, "Very well. Let's begin your training."

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