"Let's hope so. Hurry up."

Taking aim, I let loose high-intensity beams from both hands at the forcefield. When it didn't budge, I frowned and continued at full power.

While I was still at it, screams of anguish reached my ears. I didn't stop the stream of electron beams but I craned my neck to observe the battlefield. And Archer was losing.

Red spike-like claws had impaled the men that marched forward.

"Cage!" I saw Archer scream before staring daggers through Kazar who was not far off. The bullets of his minigun were absorbed by some sort of beehive-patterned energy shield inches in front of the Alx. The cracks on his huge metal arm looked like they were sealing up and the monster lumbered towards a retreating Archer.

But there was nowhere for Archer to go, he was backed up against a wall, firing relentlessly as if hoping to overload the shield. If that was possible, it didn't look like it was happening any time soon.

"Uncle!" Nic yelled as he rose from a pile of rubble, rifle in hand. Apparently, the shield did not extend to Kazar's side because Nic landed a shot on his biceps. But all Kazar did was flex his claws and continued his slow procession to Archer, as if taunting him, daring him to break the shield.

Nic tried to fire again but the rifle gave out a weak whirling sound. "No, you can't be out of ammo!" He tried to shoot again and again, barring his teeth and screaming 'No!'

That was really my cue, but my gloves were now down to 6% and the forcefield hadn't yet budged, though I heard it cracking. If I stopped now and redirected the remaining power, I might never be able to rescue Blitz. I needed the original armor of Tekeon if I was to stand a chance against Kazar.

"C'mon..." I grunted. "Budge..."

Glancing back, I saw Kazar grab Archer by the face. I bit my lip with teary eyes, couldn't villains consider a timeout?

Archer didn't struggle, as if he resigned to what he thought was fate. As Kazar lifted him, he dropped the minigun and raised his middle fingers at the Alx.

"Fuck it." I boosted away from the forcefield to serve Kazar a knuckle sandwich but I was caught in midair in a crushing grip. "Ahh!"

"Humans," Kazar grinned, exposing a row of pure black pointy teeth. "So predictable. So...fragile."

"Let him go!" I heated up my blasters within his grip. As if reflexively, he flung me aside.

I tumbled across the floor and crashed with my back to the wall.
As I attempted to get up, I watched in horror as Kazar drove Archer into a wall, so forcefully, that the wall broke down.

Nic roared in outrage. "No!!!"

He was crouching over a fallen man, frozen midway in picking up the rifle beside him.

My face paled. Archer's legs stuck out from under the rubble, motionless. For the first time tonight everywhere felt still.

Then Kazar straightened his back and with a stomp, turned towards Nic. "Now, about my arm."

He began to advance with the same predatory steps. Slow but powerful.

Between sobs, Nic aimed at him. "You monster!"

He fired in rapid succession but the dissolution of the bullets inches away from the Alx signified that the shield was back up.

I wanted him to pay badly. But I didn't know how to use those strange guns. 3% glared in front of my eye space. There was only one option for me; Blitz.

Gritting my teeth, I boosted towards the forcefield, with my right hand stretched out to push against it. At the moment of collision, I shot electron beams at point-blank range and a shattering sound followed.

At the same time though, my right glove dissolved into a million tiny particles which were carried away by the wind. My boots followed suit.

Only my left glove remained, undoubtedly ready to dissolve after its next use.

I took a deep breath and reached for the capsule with my gloved hand. No barrier prevented me, so I was certain the forcefield was down. But Blitz was trapped in that metal prison of a container. Fingers crossed, I prayed my last punch would be able to break him out.

Here goes everything.

My glove slammed the metal with a simultaneous blast. Smoke covered the area of collision right after.

Both my hands were now bare. I activated X-ray vision on the helmet to see through the smoke. But as I peered, something shot out through the smoke and entered into me— someone.

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