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Despite his military background, the next 24 hours were rough for El Segador. 

He couldn't even sleep a wink due to the possible concussion. The doctor and his staff would poke him at the slightest close of his eyelids. His nose whistled with every breath he took. His breaths fragile from the cracked rib.

Even with all this pain, his mind was focused on Bianca Petali. How vulnerable she is without him by his side. His promise to keep was in limbo.

Until his phone buzzed.

The doctor would bring it over for him to unlock. He exhaled gently that she's keeping in touch with him. Her voice inflected and dropped to keep his mind alert throughout the day.

So far, Alejandro was sent home for the remainder of the day. Unfortunately, without any solid proof that he was the rat. She also mentioned the silent auction hosted by Xianmao that she would attend the next night.

He almost sat up against the doctor's orders. "Don't go! Not wi-"


Her sharp word almost outmatched a blade. Almost. He could sense another emotion behind that word.

"I'm not going to start anything else. This is just to extend an olive branch. I can't risk a war. Lords Kelpie and Vmey will be there with their wives too."


The doctor left the room for privacy.

"You don't have to be-"

"No. I let you down."

He heard an exhale through the phone.

"I let you down, Miguel. If I hadn't put you in that situation-"

"I would do it all over again. Just to keep you sa-"

"No! Just listen to me."

Her voice on the verge of tears held him hostage.

"I'm grateful for everything you did for me. I couldn't have asked for....The thought of losing you made my heart crack. I couldn't cry even though I wanted to."

"I'm still here. El Segador is too dangerous to be put down."

"I also want Miguel to be alive too."

He heard the drop of her walls.

"I want you to be alive when it's all over. You are free to go wherever you want. Just promise me this."

"Order it and I will do it."

"Treat yourself better every day."

His dark chocolate eyes wavered in confusion. Am I even capable of that?

His silence told her everything. "You deserve to be loved. That lucky woman will be so blessed to be in your arms. To see that wonderful smile on your face. To have your children."

He exhaled. "I will try. Baby steps, of course. Maybe a new flower shop?"

"I will give you the funds with no strings attached."

"Gracias, Signora....Is your daughter okay?"

"She is. I have someone watching her and keeping me posted. Those scumbags tried to go after her the same day we met."

"Those rotten bastards!" he whispered while keeping his anger from overflowing. His ribs would thank him for that.

The taps of her stilettos agreed with him before stopping. " like to know about Isabella?"

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