Chapter 33 of decoding and escaping

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Allie pov

"Hey, Iron heart?", Allie asked into her comms. After a few seconds of waiting the other girl replied. "Yes. What is it?" She sounded a little annoyed. Allie could play that game too. "Oh nothing. I was just wondering how you expected me to spell numbers, is all." "What?" "The code? There are no letters just the numbers zero to nine" "Oh"

While waiting for more than just an "oh" of Morgan Allie studied the pin. She had to enter ten digits and Morgan only had six letters in her name. Even if she could figure out the first five there were a lot of combinations left and who knew what could happen if she typed it in wrong. Besides, a look at her wristwatch told her that she had no more than twenty minutes left. 

Nate pov

Morgan had let him into the penthouse but when he entered Nate realized, that he had no clue what he was looking for. "Hey, Iron heart? You never told me what I should look for", he said in barely a whisper. "Hold on", she replied, "I need to watch the cameras" there was a pause, then: "There's a briefcase in the private lab, get that. It contains some fluids I need, but be careful with it or it'll explode in your hands." He rolled his eyes. "Of course it will." "I saw that." "Oh, get back to your desk job."

He made his way upstairs to where the private lab was. There was a closed door, but he could pick its lock so he was in in no time. He grabbed it gently and was about to head back out to where he came from, when he heard footsteps coming in his direction. He immediately hid behind the desk farthest away from the door, just in time before the door opened. 'I'm screwed', he thought to himself, when he realized who had just come through the door. 

Tommy pov

They'd just found both of the things they needed, when the twins heard the door open. They could just about duck before the light was swiched on. 'Of course he came exactly in here', Tommy heard his brother speaking in his head. It sounded annoyed. 'This will never be not creepy', he thought and his brother smirked. 'I find it rather amusing when you freak out over it' 'What is the plan?', Tommy thought. 'I'm gonna have to use my power' 'You already are', Tommy pointed out. 'Shit, I didn't think about that' , Billy rubbed his neck slightly. It was something he always did when he was ashamed of something. Tommy knew he would beat himself up about it later. 

'Doesn't matter. What do you have in mind for us to get out of this tower?', Tommy asked, or well thought 'We don't have long the cameras aren't out in here' For a moment Billy looked like he was meditating, then he locked arms with his brother and they both stood up slowly. The man who had entered, looked in there direction, but he didn't seem to see them. Tommy knew he couldn't be hasty now. Whatever Billy was doing was clearly working and for mind trick like that he needed extreme calmness around him. They crossed the entire room and even opened the door before Billy looked at Tommy and made a fast hand movement in the direction of the stairs, that Tommy knew all to well from missions. He picked up his brother and sped up the stairs and outside the tower to where the mission first had started. 

Outside he waited for his brother to find his balance again before asking: "Holy shit, what did you do in there? I didn't know you could do that!" Billy smiled a little. "You like it? I made us invisible. To him that is. I tricked his mind into not seeing us." "Since when can you do that? It's amazing" Tommy pulled his brother into a hug and Billy surprisingly hugged back. Then Tommy realized something and pulled back. "Did you ever use it on me?", he asked. "Oh, I would never." Billy held his hands up innocently. "See this is what I don't get: You sound sincere but you look like you've used it a hundred times over on me", Tommy protested. 

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