Chapter 15 School

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Tommy and Allie were sitting in their history class. It was the last class of the day and Tommy was jumpier then usual. He had no clue why, but he just couldn't concentrate. It was normal for him to have a short attention-span, but not this short. His leg was bouncing and he was twisting his pen in his hand. 

"Miss Belova, if you find my lesson this boring, why don't you answer some questions for me?", the teacher asked. Tommy looked over to his girlfriend who was sitting in the other corner of the class room, due to assigned seats. She had her head resting in her hand and a boring expression on her face. She also looked like she was doodling in her notebook. Allie looked up disinterested. "Ok" , she said.

"When was the start of the Second World War?", the teacher started. "September first, 1939, with hitlers attack on Poland.", the teacher looked surprised at the amount of information she gave, probably just expecting the year. "When did Captain America join?", she asked further. "1943, after the Stark expo Dr. Erskine allows him to join after many attempts and rejections, due to his size and health problems. Although Cap first became a pawn to attract men to join the army, when he had to drive around and star in shows. He hated it. Then Bucky Barnes his best friend went missing and he made it his mission to rescue the 107th, which he successfully did, that's when he was allowed to fight on the front lines.", Allie said everything in a monotone voice. Her father was persistent on her knowing as much about history as possible, Tommy knew that, just how much hadn't been clear to him. The teacher just stood there baffled, not knowing what to say, so she just let Allie doodle and continued with the lesson. 

After the lesson Tommy packed up his stuff and walked over to his girlfriends desk. She was still doodling. He looked over her shoulder to see a sketch of their uncle Bucky's metal arm. On it were lots of magnets and stickers. It looked like the time he got stuck on the refrigerator. Tommy chuckled. "You captured his stare perfectly", he commented. This brought a smile on her lips. Everyone else already left the classroom and it was just the two of them. She stood up. "Don't do that", she said after a quick glance in his face. "Do what?", he smiled. "That hot, teasing smile of yours, it's annoying", she pointed at his face, biting on her lip in the process. "No", he shook his head "Your lip biting says otherwise" She stared at him for a few seconds, before looking back down at her doodle and packing up her stuff. 

Allie threw her backpack over her shoulders and stood next to Tommy. He put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her before they walked through the door into the hallway. They were laughing and chatting with each other in Sokovian, when they saw a girl being forcefully pushed against a locker. The guy whispered some kind of threat in her ear and she handed over a paper. Allie looked at Tommy and they split up and walked over.

Allie cleared her throat, when she stood behind the bully and he turned around. He looked pretty annoyed. "What?!", he turned to face her. "Give the paper back to her", Allie demanded. Tommy meanwhile made sure the girl was okay, helping her pick up her stuff from the floor and asking her if the bully hurt her. Just then the Bully turned back to the girl. Tommy stood infront of her with his arms crossed. "What's your name?", he tilted his head and glared at him. "F-flash", the bully answered hesitant. The couple looked at each other. They'd heard stories from Peter about Flash and his bullying, bit they'd never imagined to actually meet the guy. 

Allie turned him back to facing her, by grabbing his shoulders. "Give. the. paper. back.", she repeated firmly. He held his hand out to her and she snatched the paper from his grip. Then she gave it back to the girl, who thanked them and fled the scene. Allie looked around, most students were out of the building and no teachers were in sight. And so she slapped him. Hard. "Let this be a warning to you and you're bully friends. If I catch you doing something like this again, you're gonna regret it deeply. Understood.", she warned Flash. Flash was holding his cheek holding back tears. He just nodded. Allie and Tommy quickly walked out of there. 

They walked to the back of the school and looked around if anybody saw them. When they were sure the coast was clear, Allie hopped into Tommys arms, bridal style and he ran her back to the apartment. 

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