Chapter 29 We need a plan

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"We need a plan" Steve walked into the living room. They hadn't moved a muscle and he was beginning to think something could happen at any second. "Well thank you for that Captain obvious" Tony replied. "So give us a plan. You are the one that comes up with those right?" "Ok, stop now before another fight breaks out", Rhodey stepped between them. They were all in the living room. Natasha and Clint were bent over a game of chess, which Clint was probably gonna lose, if the 45 games before were any indication. Wanda and Vision were sitting comfortably on one of the couches and watching a sitcom. Bruce was on the other couch, reading some book, that to Steves surprise, was about technology. Tony had been talking to Rhodey just now about something, Steve was sure nobody else of the team except maybe Peter, knew. And Peter and Sam were sitting on the floor, playing some kind of game on the xbox. Peter seemed to be winning. 

"Well I don't have a plan because every single one of them lacks some part of information. For example: We have no idea where they go when they disappear", Steve explained. "Natasha, didn't you go to see if you could find them?", Clint asked, making her look up very suddenly. All the eyes of the room were now on her. She squared her shoulders. "Oh yeah I didn't find them. Maybe the cameras flashing out was a distraction" Steve raised his eyebrows. She was lying. He could tell. She always squared her shoulders when she did. He'd have to ask her later. 

"Can't we hack them back?", Peter asked. "What do you mean kid?", Tony asked. "Well if they can hack us, we can hack them too, right? There has to be a kind of technology, that tracks some of their powers.", he explained, trailing off as he did so. "He has a point.", Bruce added. "What if we find a device to track Wiccan and Speed. We could easily look for them. No doubt they use their powers on a daily level." Steve noticed Wanda getting uncomfortable at this. If they designed that tracker, what could happen to her, when the government got it's hands on it? She was still a fugitive. "Bruce can't you track that radiation already with the computer? Try New York"

Bruce walked over to a laptop and began typing. I no less than five minutes he seemed to have found something. "There", he pointed at three dots on a map of New York. "Their in an old apartment. Steve heard Tony mumble: "I could've done that", but less sure of himself than usual. 

"Suit up, everyone", he said. 


"We need a plan" Allie walked into the living room. "Well thank you for that captain obvious", Morgan said, looking up from her computer. "So give us a plan, you're the one that comes up with those right? Although they don't seem to work." Allie laughed bitterly. "so you come up with a bullet prove plan then", she folded her arms. "Probably will get another one of us killed" Morgan stood up at that. So did the boys, who were watching until that moment. "Cassie is dead because you chose to do your own little investigation, not cause I tried to rescue you" "No Cassie died because you decided to intervene in a perfectly safe mission, which I could've gotten out of", Allie pointed at her. "if it weren't for your ego" "Oh the righteous daughter of Captain America, thinking her sense of right and wrong is the right one", Morgan gestured dramatically. And Allie prepared a fist, she was about to strike, when:

"STOP", Billy yelled, holding them back with his powers. "Cassie chose this, okay? She signed up for it just like we all did and much earlier. Stop fighting over who's fault it is. We all made mistakes, heck we still do and we'll continue doing so. You both feel guilty and dream about this shit every single night. Do me a favor and give me a fucking break during the day. We have bigger things to worry about, then the past, like for instance our existence. Now apologize so we can get to it" He stepped away and mumbled something in Sokovian, that made Tommy go a shade paler.

Nate was about to say something, when Allie stopped him. She heard something. Like a white noise coming closer. "What is it?", Morgan asked. "Close the curtains, before they can see us. And start cleaning up. We have to leave" "The old gang is here?" Allie nodded and listened again, as the others began packing up and putting things back were they belonged. "Ok, we gotta vanish, they brought backup.", she said. "Who do we got?", Nate let his bow and arrows appear. "Ironman, Cap, Black widow, Hawkeye, Spidey, Falcon, Vision, Wanda with Hulk and War machine on standby." "Shit you got a plan? I'm not gonna fight mom", Billy said, floating everything back into place.

"Okay", Allein said once they had everything. "We take the staircase down, they should be here in about a minute. As far as I'm aware there is a bunker with a connection to the sewer  under the building, we escapee's through there." "Hop on then", Tommy said and she hoped on his back. 

Once they arrived in the sewer, they followed the sewer, until they thought it to be a safe distance between them and their parents, before climbing out in a back alley on the other side of New York. "What do we do now?", Nate asked. 

"What if we hide right under their noses? They won't expect to look there right? Plus we only stay a week or so", Morgan said, totally serious. "And where would that be?", Tommy asked. "Stark Tower"

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