34; Happy Ending?

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It's been two weeks since his return, and I gotta say things are really starting to fall back into place, the feeling had me mentally squirming in excitement. Ammar has been just the way he has been, even more.

We're winging things and it's going pretty smooth Alhamdullila. If only I had known to get so much out of this alignment then I wouldn't have been so hesitant and judgy. We're bounding, taking baby steps, and going with the flow, no rush at all.

So today we're finally going home...Mum was finally going to face her fear of rejection, she feared that Ama would not accept her back, not after what she did.

Truth is it's far from that, no matter what the circumstances may be, a mother would always consider her child her very own.

I wet kiss on my cheek had been out of my thought as a smile stretched to my lips, "What's on your mind?" He asked raining kisses on my neckline.

I fought back a moan wiggling out of his hold, "Have you no shame?" His lips curved into a cute pout urging a chuckle from me.

"Why?" He ran multiple pecks on my lips having no room for arguments.

Having had enough, or rather didn't want to get caught I moved away. "Get away from me shameless man" I joked sending him a glare, proceeding to the stew I was making.

"Shameless huh?" He shot with a smirk. I knew very well it had to do with last night's events yet I remained mute pretending to not have an idea where he is heading to.

"Come, come and have a taste" I usher getting a small amount on the spoon, he knew I was trying to divert his attention yet he still gave in, aww! How sweet of him.

"Ouch!" He blurts as I burst into a fit of laughter. The stew is obviously hot but I didn't think he'd react that way, plus it was only a bit I spew on his hand.

"You're evil" his stare narrows at me.

I shrugged fighting back yet another laugh, "You love me just as much"

He rolled his eyes huffing out a breath, "Luckily"

"Nadia" Mum walked into the kitchen halting a step sharing a stare with us, "Am I interrupting something, yet again?" her tune soaked with mischief.

What does she mean again?

Inallilahi it better not be what I'm thinking, Ya illahi!

"Yes mum, you were, in fact, Nadia was telling me how she so much wanted to gift you a grandchild" he spoke with no bit of Shame folding his arms to his chest with a smirk dangling upon his lips.

It was his way of getting back, ugh! I hate him.

No, you don't, you love love him...

Ugh! Stupid conscience.

She flicked her stare at me making me shift uncomfortably, I am so getting back at him, this means war. "Is that so?" She also had that smile on her lips.

That smile, ya illah! They both have a lot in common. I envy the relationship between the duo, it's aww-worthy, they're ever so free with one another.

One of the things that make their bond stronger.

"Well, uhm...I—" I couldn't even form coherent words, ugh!

She laughed walking up to me, she circled her arm on my shoulder, "Of course, I'd love to have kids roaming around the house"

I wish I had the power of teleportation, could this get any worse?

He stuck his tongue at me making his way out but stopping midway, "You should get ready, we leave in" he checked on his wristwatch, "Forty minutes"


My lashes were wet with unshed tears seeing mum enfolded in Ama's arms, the sight was truly enough to behold.

"I'm sorry" Ama spoke in between tears as she pulled away from the hug wiping off Mum's tears as she spoke, "I've always sought that I see you apologize before I depart from this world and today I am grateful to my lord that I did." More waterfalls gushed, "Your father loved you, there wasn't a day that goes by that he didn't regret disowning you"

"No Ama, I should be the one apologizing, I should have never gone against your choice, if only I had respected your decision then none of this would have happened"

Okay, this reunion was making me tear up, I couldn't help it.

Ammar left after dropping us off, he said he had a surprise for me later in the day, I couldn't wait.

"Nadia" I had my attention back to them. She ushered for me to come to her which I did.

"We all have our fair share of faults, it isn't only your mother's mistake but ours too. We have you too much not realizing what you required. If your parents were alive, they'd be so disappointed in how we designated you, and for that, I apologize. proud of the woman you're becoming"

At this point, we should all let bygones be bygones.

Maybe this is the happy ending part of the story, I mean what could possibly go wrong?


Toh Allah yasa no more plot twist😭😂 maybe it is the happy ending😌😂

God, I can't believe this book is almost about to end😭 but shaaa Captain Amir dey come to your screens.

Better prepare your reviews ooooo! Tohm.


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