20; Romeo.

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So guys! I've been meaning to talk about the lack of audience this book has for quite a long time, Asin is the book not gingering as the other ones? Is there something I'm missing? Shaa anyways, this book is officially on hold till I get enough motivation and so😭 thank you to all the supportive ones, means a lot🥺❤️

Enjoy 🥂

My mouth hangs agape digesting the newfound information. I clear my throat minutes later my brows still narrowed in confusion, "So let me get this straight, you're saying that you aren't Nigeria and it's your first time there?"

He nods shrugging.

Now that's new but wait, am I missing something?

Yeap! I am def am.

"Toh then how are you are we related?" I couldn't fathom the whole news my peeving curiosity kept nagging.

"Hey! It's my turn now" he blurts diverting the topic.

So we're currently doing a Q and A it was my suggestion, it is only fair that we get to understand and know more of each other.

It's been a week since the whole heart-to-heart moment. We flew to Istanbul two days back, our stay in Paris may not be tagged as a memorable one but it sure was worth it.

According to Ammar, we were supposed to visit three countries but due to time absence, we had to cut the trip short. As it is, lectures begin next week.


"What was your childhood like?"

I gotta say his question did kick me back, I mean I wasn't expecting that, no one has ever asked me that, which must be why.

What was my childhood like? Shitty I must say but I did live a fairytale life back then.

"Uhm...My life revolved around butlers, drivers, bodyguards, and whatnot. I got all that I demanded in a blink of an eye, some say I'm spoilt, I sure was overly pampered but still doesn't count. Baa and Maa were mostly not around. Trips after trip, occasions, work, they never really had time for me. The highest I get to see them is during the holidays. I would always complain till I eventually got used to it, so it stopped stinging as much,—" I'm pretty sure I sounded off but that was the truth.

"What about Farouk?"

I chuckled, "Ya Faruk? Baa sent him to an all-male boarding school down in England just a few months after he moved in with us. Maa said he was too depressed after the loss of his father that a change of environment would help. He was more like my only friend, he was open with me only because I was very persistent, he had to let his guard down eventually. Even after he left we still communicated. After his leave, we only got to see his graduation from high school. He wanted to come back home and attend college at any of the universities back in Nigeria but Baa wasn't very apprehensive. Even during his college, he would sneak back home with any slight chance just so he could make me feel well yanno" I lifted my stare nearing his piety stare.

I couldn't help but bite my lower lip, "Uh! Yeah, In short, you could tell I was a loner."

He remained silent.

Ya illah! Did I say too much? Ugh! Of course, I did, oh ni Nadia.

"Sorry, too much huh?"

He chuckles motioning to come. He nods, "C'mere you"

Huffing out a sigh, I got up from the couch adjacent to his walking toward him. I placed my hand on his hanging ones, he drew me closer placing me on his lap.

I felt goody! I mean who wouldn't?


He slipped his left palm on my right cheek. Guys! Did I forget to mention he had soft hands? Yeah!? Okay, it must have skipped, but omoh!

"Sorry to have heard that, it's all in the past now. You're no longer alone, okay?" His tone was laced with concern.

Aww! Is someone being sweeet? Now that's new.

I gave him a curt nod fighting back the blush, but to no avail, it still slipped.

"Tell you what, why don't we make the most out of the last day here"


"A date"

"What makes you think I'd wanna go?" I arched my left brow up trying to get up but he was quick to circle his arms around my waist.

I cleared my throat, "You can let go now" I wiggle but to no avail.

"Not unless you agree"


"Don't play dumb with me" he narrows his alluring eyes at me.

Ugh! This man looks good in anything he does.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I spoke fighting back a smile his expression was beginning to turn funny.

"I can give you a second option if you'd want"

Let's see what he has.


"A date or A kiss" his lips stretching into a smirk.

He always does this on purpose.

"A date it is" I announce finally getting up after he let loose escaping.

I could swear I heard his laugh but being too embarrassed I left the stage for him heading for the room.


"Your hands?" I move forward with my right hand trembling in awe. My lashes were wet with probable tears.

This man is a real definition of Romeo if my heart wasn't stoned I'd def be head over heels for him. He knows just the right buttons to push.

"Regarding all of the aforementioned statements, I acknowledge that when I say "never" or "always." I will inevitably make mistakes. I am human, and I am not perfect. But I promise to always do my best and to promptly acknowledge when I have messed up. I want to and will be the cure to your scars, the shoulder to your worries, your comfort in good and in bad times. I'll teach you how to love and be loved, I'm new to all this, I'm not the commitment type but with you, I'm willing to give it a go," he slipped the Auburn Azarai diamond ring.

A fucking diamond ring!!!

"I love you"

My heart dropped I stood lifeless, just when I thought I've heard it all. I felt sandwiched in a very comforting hug.

What now?

Me seff I'm tongue tied😂 the thing still Dey shock me😭

Ya illah when? If not Ammar I'm not doing😂💔

Oyaaa oyaaa tagfeast!!!



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