18; Two Option.

654 107 11

The morning sunlight draped on my face urging my eyes to squint them. A groan escaped as I stretched my sore muscles.

For how long have I been asleep, my eyes flickered to the clock, my lips falling agape. It was almost 11 my eyes wandered around in search of him but to no avail.

I got up heading straight for the bathroom. The cramps aren't completely gone but better than yesterday for sure.

The events of yesterday made me cringe clutching hard on the sponge fighting back the urge to yell.


What must he think of me right now?

Having done with a very much-deserved shower I slipped out of the room with a robe fastened. Just in time, Ammar walked in.

I flickered my gaze off him hiding an unexpected blush that came from nowhere and I could swear I heard him chuckle.

After slipping into a comfortable short-sleeved stainless floral dress I walked out of the closet beholding my dear husband with a tray assembled with different delicacies.

"Come, I made you a herbal soup" he spoke patting the space next to him.

Breakfast in bed! Ou la la la!

The smell was enough to make my nose cringe. Upon all the food on the tray it's this he wants me to start with?

Nuh! Uhn!

"Yeah I'm not having that"

"Oh you most definitely are" he ushers placing the bowl on my lap making sure I had a hold of it before he let loose.


Okay, why am I pleading?

He narrowed his stare at me folding his biceps to his chest. "Tell you what, you have two options"

My brows drew questionably, "Uhm?"

He leaned further our faces coming extremely close I could feel his mint breath on my now crimson cheeks.

"Either we treat it with herbs or we go with nature" His lips curving into a smirk.

It took me a minute to digest what he said before my eyes bulged.


This man is very very shameless.

"What!?" I blurt my cheeks burning from embarrassment.

He shrugs, "Your choice"

Gulping down a lump, I began to unwilling sip the soup my face screwing in displeasure. The satisfying smile he had on his lips had me rolling my eyes and sending him glares here and there.

Taking the last spoon of it I bolt up heading for the washroom. It was too unpleasing to take in I had to let it out.

I could feel his presence behind me but I guess I was too engrossed in the newfound situation.

I felt his hands on my shoulder helping me up, he assisted in making sure I cleaned up before surprisingly scooping me up like a nine-month-old baby heading out.

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