2: A week Later.

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It's barely been a week but his stay here is nothing out of the ordinary. The family members don't seem to accept him, it's more like they're doubtful of him for some reason.

Amma, makes him feel the warmth and comfort just as his mother. She seems to be the only one that is more friendly and concern-ful towards him.

Mubaraq has this overprotectiveness that whenever Ammar is in the presence of Amma or any, he gets all worked up. He's making it sound though as if Ammar is some serial killer sent to take their lives.

Seriously if that was what Ammar came for, he'd surely have it done in a blur. One thing with Ammar is, he makes sure to get what he needs.

Ammar usually goes for his early morning stroll
normally within the area. Thankfully they aren't many people around, he fancies quietness a lot. He made a mental note to search for nearby gyms, VIP to be precise. You can say working out keeps his sanity, especially in an environment he's new too.

Just like every day, he's out on the porch scrutinizing every part of the house while he has some fresh air and clears out or rather lessens his plague. Surprisingly he still hasn't heard from his father as he thought. Ammar knew how El-Samad has his eyes and ears, so it was shocking.

El-Samad could Ammar brought to him either forcefully or willingly in a snap of a finger but then this time it's remarkable how he still hasn't sent for him. It's hard to believe.

He knows for sure there is a storm coming, not the usual, this time it's different. But apart from his hopes that when the time comes, he'll fight for not just him but for the people that had to suffer from his father's dolor.

"Have a seat my dear" Amma ushers to which he sends her a slight nod, settling down.

She summoned for him to talk things as usual. Amma figured Ammar to be as cohesive as his mother, she has tried getting certainty out of him but Ammar being what he is, only gives her monosyllabic replies or tries changing the topic.

She noticed he doesn't talk much.

"You must be wondering why I called you here, am I right?"

He nods.

"I'm guess staying home all day doing nothing must be quite tiring and prosaic." She elucidates.

Great! At least she noticed that. He was almost starting to think that she's only having him here for interrogations that he still hasn't supplied her with answers. He couldn't risk her knowing, cox that would only cause more trouble. Besides he promised his mother to stay mute till when the time comes.

Hajara's life is endangered, he couldn't risk more lives all because of him.

He's got to admit, the old lady sure knows how to squeeze the words out of a person, but just not him.


She smiles clearing her throat. "What did you study?"

Where is that coming from?


"Very good. I was thinking you'd join Mubaraq in the office and have shown you around the business" She offers.

No. He appreciates that a lot but he can't be mingling with the family fortune, how can she even trust him? Right! He's her grandson. But then she of all people knows the tension between him and his supposed uncle that can't stand the sight of him.

He didn't want to build on someone's foundation. He plans on starting up on his own and prospering.

"Why are you suddenly edgy?" She worriedly inquires examining his change of state.

He sighs out a breath. "I appreciate your offer but I can't take it"

Her brows draw together in confusion to his denial. "Why?"

His mind suddenly became blank, he couldn't find any words to justify his disapproval. He has a certain amount of respect for the woman, he didn't want to be blunt.

"Talk to me" she encourages.

"Lecturing" he mumbles out of the blue. True he's always had the spirit of inflicting knowledge; more especially on designs-blue prints, on other people, but never put it into consideration.

For Ammar art isn't only his ambition but passion too. He's always had this liking towards the craft. He intended on art and craft but El-Samad being the predominant father he is, had him study architecture.

"You want to lecture?"

He nods.

"How sure?"


"But why? If I may ask" Amma is stunned as to why he chose that cox it's the least she expected, guess Ammar has his way with surprising her.

And there they go with the questions. The woman can't seem to go a minute without dropping questions here and there. There mustn't be an explanation for everything he has to offer or is it? Of course not!

"Okay. I'll talk with Mubaraq and get back to you" She brushes off her unanswered question seeing as he's not ready to entertain it.

She doubts if Ammar could keep up with being a lecturer especially to Nigerian students, arewa for that matter. She knows how northerners could be a pain in the neck when it comes to education, plus being a lecturer takes more than Ammar has to offer.

The kid doesn't even talk or like to say much, how would he communicate with the students to their understanding? Not that she's underestimating him, just being realistic.

Guess she'll just have to wait and see how he copes. She may be proven wrong or even right, definitely right!

"Just in case, my offer still stands" she reminds to which he nods.

If he turns his back on a proposal, he moves ahead with no turning back. He mentally chuckles at Amma's relic, there's still a lot she knows not of Ammar Muhammad El-Samad.

He doesn't know how much he'll ever think this but, his mother has a lot in common with Amma after all she's her daughter...

"Thank you"

Jumu'ah Mubarak

How're y'all doing? We good huh? Tohm Ma Shaa Allah.

For some reason I changed the book name to NADIA if you noticed, well if you must know I tend to be pretty much indecisive,lol.

Anyways my girl Zahraaa__  and I are working on masterpiece do stop by and check it out *winks*

Drop your thoughts on this chapter and please how about a tag feast I need utmost support from yh guys to make this happen, thank you❤️


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