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Jimmy's Perspective-

Jimmy walked into Scott's house.

"Hey, before you go in." Tom stopped Jimmy for a second.

"Scott's in a messed-up state and... you came here to help him, right? Scott said you hung up."

"I hung up because I wanted to come over here." Jimmy explained.

Tom smiled and patted Jimmy on the back.

"I'll be in the other room. He really needs you right now."

Jimmy smiled nervously and walked over to the living room.

Scott was sniffing on the couch.

There was a cup of warm tea on the table in front of him and there was a pile of used tissues to the left of Scott.

Jimmy walked over and when Scott saw him, he gasped.

"Er- hey Scott." Jimmy smiled sheepishly.

Jimmy sat down awkwardly to the right of Scott.

"What do you want?" Scott asked, trying to sound rude but he ended up crying instead.

"Who... you needed to talk about Eliot, I could tell." Jimmy said, nervously fidgeting with his jacket.

Scott hiccupped, "Look, I know Tom sent you here."

"He didn't. I wanted to come here to... to help you and apologize."

Scott looked shocked.

"I- I was just upset and thought that you hated me now after kissing me..."

"No, I w-was just... I'm so s-scared that you're going to h-hurt me." Scott sobbed into his arms.

"Eliot c-cheated on me. He was the s-same as you. He always cared a-and listened to me. He would do anything for me. And t-then I found out that he cheated on me and I b-broke up with him. I had n-never felt so low in my en-entire life. And I- I really like you, Jimmy, but I'm just so w-worried that the same thing's g-going to h-happen."

Jimmy stared at Scott and then hugged him.
Scott was surprised but hugged back, crying.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." Jimmy said softly after a moment, "But please know that I will NEVER do that to you."

Scott hiccupped and they broke apart from the hug.

Jimmy smiled sincerely at Scott who smiled back, tears in his eyes.

"I love you."

Jimmy then kissed Scott.

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