Her hips started to move, but I wanted all of the control so I held her hips with my other hand and continued my slow torment of the woman of my dreams. She was going made with desire, chanting "More, more." Over and over again.

I could tell that she was getting close to her orgasm and decided to go faster. My hand pumped furiously while my tongue swirled at a superhuman rate.

She came with a keening cry so loud that I thought that whole town would be able to hear her.

I pulled my finger from her and licked it clean, loving her taste. Then I bent my head back down and licked her clean as she lay in the bliss. Then I crawled up next to her, wrapped my arm around her and waited for her to come down from her high.

Cassies point of view.

That was the most amazing thing that I have ever felt in my entire life. And I knew that it was only a taste of what I could have with Drew.

As I came down from my euphoria, I noticed Drew's arm wrapped around my waist. I turned to him and kissed him, knowing that I would taste myself on his lips but not caring in the least.

"That was amazing."

He smiled at me, "Yes it was. I have a feeling that everything will be that good with you."

"What about you? Are you all healed now?"

"No it will take a few more orgasms for me to be completely healed, but Jessie is on his way home with Illianna."

At the mention of my friend I was reminded of what I saw in the forest, and pain tore through me. "Cass, it wasn't what it looked like." He stroked my hair away from my face tenderly. "Look why don't we eat something and then when they get here, we'll explain everything?"

I nodded, even though all I wanted was to go home and cry. Drew handed me a sandwich and a bottle of water before going over to a chest of draws and pulling out a pair of jeans, two pairs of boxers and a t-shirt.

He handed me the t-shirt and a pair of boxers saying, "Just until they get here with your clothes."

We eat and dressed in silence as we waited for Jessie and Illianna to arrive. We had also made our way downstairs to the living room.

I sat there thinking of all of the possibilities.

Thought one, Drew and Jessie were out streaking when they came across Illianna passed out and wanted to make sure she was alright.

No too stupid, why would anyone streak in the forest? There was no point to it.

Thought two, they were out for a walk when they were attacked by wild animals that took their clothes and Illianna found them and passed out.

Defiantly not. That was even worse then the first one.

Thought three, they were all in a cult.

Well that was possible.

Thought four, Jessie and Drew were engaging in intercourse when Illianna came across them and wanted to join.

Nope, Drew defiantly like women.

Thought five, they were secretly dating.

That was the one I feared and the most likely scenario.

"What ever you are thinking stop it!"

"What, why?

"Because you get a thoughtful look on your face then start shaking your head. And whatever you are thinking is most likely wrong anyway. There is a perfectly logical, if insane, reason why we were out there. And why Jessie and myself were naked. And all I can hope is that you don't freak and leave me. I wouldn't be able to live with that." That last sentence was spoken absentmindedly and I was sure that he thought that I wasn't going to hear him, however I did.

He's her mate, so why did he break her heart?Where stories live. Discover now