"Well if I was you then I would've told him everything I know till now because this guy knows how to break bones. And in ways that you can't even imagine" I warn him leaning on the railing backwards

Jason breaks his hand in quite some way as I mimic "Ouch, that would've hurt, now that might keep you for a week in the hospital I suppose sad!!" I say enjoying it as his face turns from anger to pain

After a while, I got what I asked for as Jason had the guy cornered. I walk over to the guy pick up him by his collar and take him over to the container and put his head inside of it drowning him and then pull him out as he grasps for air holding the edge of the table. While others look in shock and amusement at what I just did

"Veronica you-you just drowned him!!" Clary says in shock as looks at me

"I know Clary, This guy's taking up a lot of my time, and that's what you do with criminals" I smile at her as she nods and I smile

"Don't worry I won't do this to anyone of you when you trouble me. Just for this guy" I say as Jace gulped seeing him I smiled and snickered

"Your turn," I say as I back off from the guy and Jason takes my place as I clean my shirt

"Agent Danvers, Agent Lockwood, there's an emergency"

"What happened Steve? Everything okay?" I ask picking a few tissues from the box

"It's Officer Vargus, she-she," He says in between breaths as I dropped the tissues I had in my hand the moment I hear Vargus's name

"What happened to her? What is it?" I turned around in worry

"I'm asking you to say something? Dammit, What's wrong?" My voice increased with each second passing by as Jason came forward holding my hand

"What is it, Steve? Where is she? what's happening?" He asked as James looked at both of us and then pointed toward the entrance

I looked over his shoulder only to see Vargus being carried out on a stretcher injured and with blood all over her suit my eyes widen in horror seeing the sight

"Oh my god, It's Officer Vargus" Clary stated and then looked at me "Veronica?" She calls out as everyone walks over to see Vargus, Jace, Izzy, and Alec

Jason indicates Steve left as he sees Vargus

"This can't be happening" I cry out as I rush to the railing and look down at Vargus with tears welling up in my eyes

I turn around after seeing her in that condition, tears falling down my face as my hands tremble as I reach for my mouth and close my eyes in pain as they all watch me break down

"Hey, everything will be okay, I'm here and look she's still alive, nothing's happened to her," Jason says as he rushed by my side as I'm on the floor with my head in my hands trembling with fear

"Ronnie!!" He calls out as I look up with tears in my eyes "She will be alright. Trust me, I know her" he demands as I wipe my tears away

"How the hell did this happen I-I was just talking- I was just talking to her about lunch an hour ago she was perfectly fine when we left her. Then how, why?" I whined looking at Jason as he tries to comfort me as Izzy, Alec, and Jace rush to my side

"I don't know, but what I know is that she needs you" Jason yells out as I nod and get up with Isabelle's help and run down to Vargus

She was there laying on the stretcher with multiple injuries to her stomach and face and hands she was bleeding but still conscious

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here with you. Open your eyes please Var open your eyes" I whine out as I held her hand in mine trying to wake her up as she looks up at me

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫  Where stories live. Discover now