Chapter 11 - New Beginnings

Comenzar desde el principio

(I can picture this whole scene with MinSung and it makes me want to cry waaaaa)


Alicia's P.O.V

- moments before the scene with Minsung-

"Please explain how me telling you and Jisung to leave meant come back and risk your life?" Chan asked. I tsked as I shook my head, smiling away at him.

"It was my decision to make, and hey, it paid off didn't it. We're all safe. Whether you approve or not, you guys are my guys now. I would do anything to protect you just as you do for me" I answered, looking around at the boys.

It was true, the more I spent time with them and gotten to know them. The more I knew how down to Earth they really were. Although we had only spent a short time together, they were people I knew I could trust and I could count on.

"But I'm supposed to protect you..." Chan answered, sounding a little disheartened at the thought.

I get it. He focused so much on everyone else that he never took the time to care about himself.

I did that too. Sometimes you get so caught up in doing what's right for others, you don't think about how you can protect yourself.

"We protect eachother" i placed my hand on his giving him a squeeze as I ignored the 6 pairs of eyes on us. He smiled and squeezed back.

We finally arrived at the destination. It looked like a set of apartments.

"We're here, so this is how this is going to work. There are 4 apartments, 3 apartments for 2 and 1 for for 3. I've already decided that Alicia will stay with me. So I can keep a close eye on her this time and make sure she doesn't pull any other crazy life risking stunts"

I rolled my eyes, he wasn't going to let this go. I then looked over at Felix who slowly folded his arms and smirked. I glared at him, shaking my head as I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"If I'm sharing with you then I want Minho and Jisung in the apartment next door"

Minhos eyes widened, knowing Chan would be defensive about it.

"No that's not how it works, I decide what-"

"Either Minho and Jisung are next door to me. Or...," I paused, looking around the group of guys before picking out the perfect target, "I room with Hyunjin" I answered, knowing he would fall for my trap. Feeling him tense next to me I couldn't help but hold back the laughter.

Hyunjin was clearly amused at the situation too.

"Fine, you can all debate amongst yourself who has the other rooms. Seems everyone does what they want anyway" Chan answered seeming annoyed that he wasn't being listened to, but he had to suck it up.

"Boss, if you don't mind, I'm going to go and check on Jisung" Minho shyly stepped forward, I was proud with his outburst of confidence as I smiled at him.

"Chan, why don't you show me to our apartment?" I asked distracting him from Minho's awkward request.

"Sure, and uh sure" He answered as Minho nodded to thank him. Minho came past me as I slung my arms around him.

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